
Foundations of Risk Management
Chapter 1. The Building Blocks of Risk Management
Chapter 2. How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk?
Chapter 3. The Governance of Risk Management
Chapter 4. Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms
Chapter 5. Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Chapter 6. The Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return
Chapter 7. Principles for Effective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting
Chapter 8. Enterprise Risk Management and Future Trends
Chapter 9. Learning from Financial Disasters
Chapter 10. Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis
Chapter 11. GARP Code of Conduct
较之过往教材,今年教材每一个章节的名字都做了变动(有且只有Chapter 11. GARP Code of Conduct.的名称以及考纲内容没有变动)。事实上,不仅章节名字和过去不一样,每一章的具体内容也发生了巨大的变化,章节之间的内容重新做了整合,也新增了很多内容,比如第4章就是本次教材改写后新增的。
• Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Probability
• Chapter 2. Random Variables
• Chapter 3. Common Univariate Random Variables
• Chapter 4. Multivariate Random Variables
• Chapter 5. Sample Moments
• Chapter 6. Hypothesis Testing
• Chapter 7. Linear Regression
• Chapter 8. Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables
• Chapter 9. Regression Diagnostics
• Chapter 10. Stationary Time Series
• Chapter 11. Nonstationary Time Series
• Chapter 12. Measuring Returns, Volatility and Correlation
• Chapter 13. Simulation and Bootstrapping
✅第一部分Probability & Statistics(Chapter 1-Chapter 6)
• 新增Describe an event and an event space.
• 新增Define and calculate a conditional probability.
• 新增 Characterize the quantile function and quantile-based estimators.
• 新增interquartile range.
• 新增Law of large numbers.
✅第二部分Linear Regression(Chapter 7-Chapter 11)
前三个Chapter分别讲了回归的基本知识,一元回归,多元回归和回归中容易遇到的问题。后两个Chapter为 time series。知识点和以前相似。
第三部分simulation, volatilities and correlation(Chapter 12-Chapter 13)
Simulation部分变化不大,仍是Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrapping 和pseudo-random number generation。
Volatility部分变化也很大。删除EWMA,GARCH和volatility term structure相关内容。
• Calculate, distinguish and convert between simple and continuously compounded returns.
• Describe how the first two moments may be insufficient to describe non-normal distributions.
• Explain how the Jarque-Bera test is used to determine whether returns are normally distributed.
• Define correlation and covariance and differentiate between correlation and dependence.
• Describe properties of correlations between normally distributed variables when using a one-factor model.
Financial Markets and Products
• Chapter 1. Banks
• Chapter 2. Insurance Companies and Pension Plans
• Chapter 3. Fund Management
• Chapter 4. Introduction to Derivatives
• Chapter 5. Exchanges and OTC Markets
• Chapter 6. Central Clearing
• Chapter 7. Futures Markets
• Chapter 8. Using Futures for Hedging
• Chapter 9. Foreign Exchange Markets
• Chapter 10. Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures
• Chapter 11. Commodity Forwards and Futures
• Chapter 12. Options Markets
• Chapter 13. Properties of Options
• Chapter 14. Trading Strategies
• Chapter 15. Exotic Options
• Chapter 16. Properties of Interest Rates
• Chapter 17. Corporate Bonds
• Chapter 18. Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities
• Chapter 19. Interest Rate Futures
• Chapter 20. Swaps
✅Chapter 1-3提供了金融市场的背景介绍,分别介绍了银行,保险和基金。Chapter 1介绍了商业和投资银行业务的结构,银行的监管方式,风险的性质,资本在提供缓冲损失方面的作用以及证券化MBS的处理。
新增了Summarize Basel Committee regulations for regulatory capital and their motivations.
Chapter 2介绍了保险公司所面临的风险和法规, 资本要求和绩效比率,以及养老金的类型和主要特征。Chapter 3介绍了各种基金的基本知识。
✅Chapter 4-9 介绍了金融市场的衍生品。
Chapter 4介绍了options, forwards, and futures, 以及衍生品市场和市场参与者所面临的风险。Chapter 5描述了交易所交易和场外交易市场。Chapter 6探讨了CCPs,以及CCPs面临的风险类型。Chapter 7-8介绍了期货市场以及如何将期货用于对冲。Chapter 9介绍了外汇市场, 估算外汇风险的方法,使用期权的多货币对冲策略,以及利率平价公式。
✅Chapter 10-15 更加深入仔细的讨论了各种衍生品。
Chapter 10-11具体介绍了forwards和futures,包括他们的定价和确定commodity forwards和futures的无套利价值。Chapter 12-15具体介绍了options及其在风险管理中的用途,包括不同options的特征,市场机制,多期权和对冲策略以及exotic options。
✅Chapter 16-18讨论了利率和两类重要的固定收益证券。
Chapter 16介绍了利率的性质,并解释了债券的估值,期限和凸度,以及远期利率协议的定价以及期限结构的理论。这一章去年是放在forward和futures定价之前讲到的,今年换了顺序挪到了后面。Chapter 17介绍公司债券,类型,特征,以及信用等级。Chapter 18讲了mortgages,解释MBS pools,以及mortgage pool metrics的预付款建模和计算。这两章的内容我们会在Valuation那门课中进行讲解。
✅Chapter 19-20探讨了两个衍生工具: interest rate futures和swaps。
Chapter 19介绍了利率和国债与futures和forward prices的关系,并讨论了在对冲中使用interest rate futures。Chapter 20描述了swaps的机制,类型和定价。这两章去年是在前面介绍option之前讲到的,今年把顺序挪到了最后。
Valuation and risk models
Chapter 2. Calculating and Applying VaR
Chapter 3. Measuring and Monitoring Volatility
Apply the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) approach and the GARCH (1,1) model to estimate volatility.
Explain and apply approaches to estimate long horizon volatility/VaR and describe the process of mean reversion according to a GARCH (1,1) model.
Describe an example of updating correlation estimates.
Chapter 4. External and Internal Credit Ratings
Define and use the hazard rate to calculate unconditional default probability of a credit asset.
Define recovery rate and calculate the expected loss from a loan.
Describe alternative methods to credit ratings produced by rating agencies.
Explain historical failures and potential challenges to the use of credit ratings in making investment decisions.
Chapter 6. Measuring Credit Risk
Describe the Gaussian copula model and its application.
Describe and apply the Vasicek model to estimate default rate and credit risk capital for a bank.
Describe the CreditMetrics model and explain how it is applied in estimating economic capital.
Chapter 10. Interest Rates
Chapter 4. External and Internal Credit Ratings
Describe the process for and issues with building, calibrating, and backtesting an internal rating system.
Identify and describe the biases that may affect a rating system.
Chapter 5. Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications
Describe characteristics of sovereign credit spreads and sovereign credit default swap (CDS) and compare the use of sovereign spreads to credit ratings.(2020)
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using the sovereign default spread as a predictor of defaults.(2019)
Chapter 7. Operational Risk
Describe the different categories of operational risk and explain how each type of risk can arise. Compare the basic indicator approach, the standardized approach and the advanced measurement approach for calculating operational risk regulatory capital.(2020)
Describe the standardized measurement approach and explain the reasons for its introduction by the Basel committee.(2020)
Compare three approaches for calculating regulatory capital. (2019)
Describe the Basel Committee’s seven categories of operational risk.(2019)
从章节名称上看,估值这门课没有太大的变化,个别章节的内容上略微有所增减。总体来说,新增的知识点,Chapter 2新增知识点原属于二级市场风险,Chapter 6新增知识点也将原先二级的知识整合到了这门课中,加深了这门课的难度。
Chapter 3将原来一级数量中的EWMA和GARCH模型移到了估值这门课,使得模型和实际运用更为贴切。
Chapter 10在原先各大利率的基础上增加了对OIS和LIBOR的扩充,使得整个利率体系更加完整。LOS替换部分,没有较大的实质性变化。虽然协会替换了参考书目,但总体来说影响不大,因为主要涉及的考点并没有发生过多变化,重点章节无过多改变。
Market Risk Measurement
and Management
占比20%。受二级新增学科Liquidity and Treasury Risk的影响,市场风险在2020年考试中的占比由原来的25%下降至20%。
Statistical Correlation Models—Can We Apply Them to Finance?
• Evaluate the limitations of financial modeling with respect to the model itself, calibration of the model, and the model’s output.
• Assess the Pearson correlation approach, Spearman’s rank correlation, and Kendall’s τ, and evaluate their limitations and usefulness in finance.
这个章节首先介绍的是金融模型的缺点,从而引出correlation在实务中并不是常数,会随着市场的波动而变化。接着介绍了衡量correlation的三种方法,Pearson correlation, Spearman’s rank correlation, and Kendall’s τ,对比了三种方法的优缺点。
协会对参考书目进行了版本更新,原Gunter Meissner写的Correlation Risk Modeling and Management是2014年版的,现在更新为2019年版。参考书目的变化没有影响到相关章节的考点。
有两个章节移到了Market risk,考点均没有发生变化:
✅ Parametric Approaches (III): Extreme Value
这个章节是比较重要的考点。早年就属于Market risk,后来协会将内容调整到了Operational Risk,今年又移回来了,所以没有实质性变化。
✅ Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
这个章节在品职的学科划分中原本归在Basel Accord,属于了解性的内容。
总体来看,Market Risk的考纲变化不大。除了受新增学科的影响,考试占比略有下降,内容上依然是干货满满,没有“缩水”。
删除了一个关于Correlation Models的考点,这个考点偏定性,不难,容易考方法之间的对比。删除后节省了大家的学习时间,是一处利好。参考书目的版本更新是协会的常规操作,影响不大,涉及的考点没有变化。学科之间的内容调整对于学员备考二级没有影响。
Credit Risk Measurement
and Management
1. Developing, Validating and Using Internal Ratings
这部分内容对应章节:Chapter 2. Classifications and Key Concepts of Credit Risk中。
2. The xVA Challenge: Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral, and Capital
这部分内容对应章节:Chapter 12. Default Probabilities, Credit Spreads, Funding Costs
将1级Valuation and risk models中Chapter 5. Capital Structure in Banks的部分内容移入2级Credit risk中。
对应的参考书为:Risk Management and Value Creation in Financial Institutions
整体来看,Credit risk的考纲变化不大,几个小的调整也不是传统的考试重点。删除的内容也不是之前难点、重点,因此虽然删除了2个部分,但从考试来讲,实际的影响不大。今年从1级有新调入的内容,但涉及篇幅不多,内容也较为简单,因为对这门课的影响也不大。整体来看,Credit risk这门学科的难点、重点依然没变。
Operational Risk and Resiliency
占比20%。受二级新增学科Liquidity and Treasury Risk的影响,操作风险在2020年考试中的占比由原来的25%下降至20%。
Chapter 2: Risk Culture
• Compare risk culture and corporate culture and explain how they interact.
• Explain factors that influence a firm’s corporate culture and its risk culture.
• Describe methods by which corporate culture and risk culture can be measured.
• Describe characteristics of a strong risk culture and challenges to the implementation of an effective risk culture.
• Assess the relationship between risk culture and business performance.
Chapter 8: The Cyber-Resilient Organization
• Describe elements of an effective cyber-resilience framework and explain ways that an organization can become more cyber-resilient.
• Explain resilient security approaches that can be used to increase a firm’s cyber resilience and describe challenges to their implementation.
• Explain methods that can be used to assess the financial impact of a potential cyber attack and explain ways to increase a firm’s financial resilience.
• Define cyber-resilience and compare recent regulatory initiatives in the area of cyber-resilience.
• Describe current practices by banks and supervisors in the governance of a cyber risk management framework, including roles and responsibilities.
• Explain methods for supervising cyber-resilience, testing and incident response approaches and cyber security and resilience metrics.
• Explain and assess current practices for the sharing of cyber security information between different types of institutions.
• Describe practices for the governance of risks of interconnected third-party service providers.
“Building the UK financial sector’s operational resilience”
• Describe operational resilience and describe threats and challenges to the operational resilience of a financial institution.
• Explain recommended principles, including tools and metrics, for maintaining strong operational resilience at financial institutions.
• Describe potential consequences of business disruptions, including potential systemic risk impacts.
• Define impact tolerance; explain best practices and potential benefits for establishing the impact tolerance for a firm or a business process.
“Striving for Operational Resilience: The Questions Boards and Senior Management Should Ask,” Oliver Wyman, 2019.
• Compare operational resilience to traditional business continuity and disaster recovery approaches.
• Describe elements of an effective operational resilience framework and its potential benefits.
有五个原本属于Operational Risk的章节移到了Market risk和Liquidity Risk:
✅Chapter 7. Parametric Approaches (III): Extreme Value
✅Chapter 12. Repurchase Agreements and Financing
✅Chapter 12. Liquidity and Leverage
✅Darrell Dufe, “The Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks.”
✅Chapter 18. Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
• 有原本属于一级Foundations of Risk Management的章节移动到了Operational Risk:
✅Chapter 4. What is ERM?
还将原本属于一级风险管理基础的ERM移到了二级操作风险中。操作风险的学科名从Operational and Integrated Risk Management变成了Operational Risk and Resiliency,新增的操作弹性可以看成是这门学科的新重点。
Liquidity and Treasury Risk
Measurement and Management
占比15%。作为二级新增的一门学科,Liquidity and Treasury Risk落在了考试占比的第二梯队,仅次于二级的“三座大山”--市场风险、信用风险和操作风险。
作为一门全新的学科,我们可以通过协会公布的Study guide浏览这门学科的大致内容。总共分为9个section,对应协会原版书第44-60章,分别为:
• Liquidity risk principles and metrics
• Liquidity portfolio management
• Cash-flow modeling, liquidity stress testing and reporting
• Contingency funding plan
• Funding models
• Funds transfer pricing
• Cross-currency funding
• Balance sheet management
• Asset liquidity
有3个章节是从Operational Risk移到了这门学科,包括:
Repurchase Agreements and Financing
Liquidity and Leverage
The Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks
有1个章节是从Investment Risk移到了这门学科:Illiquid Assets。
这门学科的核心知识点为:计量与管理流动性风险。但实际上这门学科涉及的知识点广度很大,例如涉及到很多产品,衍生品、外汇、回购等,也涉及一些其他科学的内容,如资产负债管理、巴萨尔协议、信用风险中的Counterparty risk等等。
整体来看,这门学科涉及的知识点广而杂,但都围绕着核心Liquidity risk。从考察方式上看,多为定性概念类的知识,需要计算的知识点不多、且需要计算的知识点难度也不大。
作为新增学科,Liquidity and Treasury Risk的考试比重与Investment risk旗鼓相当,说明GARP协会对这门学科,或者说对实务中的流动性和资金风险高度重视。
Risk Management
and Investment Management
Chapter 17. Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement当中,原来的知识点“Explain the importance of liquidity considerations for a portfolio”改为“Describe Liquidity Duration Statistic and how it can be used to measure liquidity”。
Chapter 13. Illiquid Assets
• Evaluate the characteristics of illiquid markets.
• Examine the relationship between market imperfections and illiquidity.
• Assess the impact of biases on reported returns for illiquid assets.
• Describe the unsmoothing of returns and its properties.
• Compare illiquidity risk premiums across and within asset categories.
• Evaluate portfolio choice decisions on the inclusion of illiquid assets.
该章下总共六个知识点全部从该学科中删除,不过移到了新增学科Liquidity and Treasury Risk之中。考点本身没有变化。
但今年受二级新增学科Liquidity and Treasury Risk的影响,操作风险整体在2020年考试中的占比由原来的25%下降至20%,因此我们理解巴塞尔协议的比重也应相应下降。
1、之前巴塞尔协议的主体内容参考的是JOHN HULL和巴塞尔协议原文,现换成GARP风险研究所的论文。
原本属于Basel Accords的Chapter 18. Fundamental Review of the Trading Book章节移到了Market risk,考点没有发生变化。
总的来说,Basel Accords的考纲变化不大,改动主要以删除为主,另外受新增学科的影响,考试占比略有下降。
具体来说,反洗钱和恐怖融资考点还保留但原来的四个LOS删掉了三个、多德-弗兰克法案删除、Fundamental Review of the Trading Book调整学科位置,此三项调整绝对是利好,节省了大家的学习时间。
Cyber Risk, Market Failures, and Financial Stability
On the Fintech Revolution: Interpreting the Forces of Innovation, Disruption and Transformation in Financial Services
Central clearing and risk transformation
What is SOFR
The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Finance: A Catalyst for Change
这篇文章讲解了Risk manager在分析、应用区块链技术时需要考虑问题。本章还详细讲解了区块链技术在金融领域应用时,相关监管政策的改变。
FinTech and market structure in financial services: Market developments and potential financial stability implications
Fintech credit markets around the world: size, drivers and policy issues
这篇文章讲解了推动Fintech credit市场发展的动力。Fintech credit markets对金融市场稳定的应用,以及对Fintech credit相应地监管措施。
Sound Practices: Implications of fintech developments for banks and bank supervisors
The Rise of Digital Money
Climate Change and Financial Risk
Beyond LIBOR: a primer on the new benchmark rates
今年Current issues从去年的7篇文章增加到了今年的10篇文章。去年的7篇文章里,只保留2篇与人工智能相关的文章,以及1篇大数据的文章。
品职教育:2020.05 FRM招生啦!品职,比你更懂你

