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moon · 2022年04月19日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on the composition of each country’s currency portfolio, which country is most vulnerable to a potential crisis?


A.Country A B.Country B C.Country C


C is correct.

Public debt makes up the majority of Country C’s currency portfolio, which is the least supportive flow (or holding) to a currency. Public debt is less supportive because it has to be serviced and must be either repaid or refinanced, potentially triggering a crisis. Some types of flows and holdings are considered to be more or less supportive of the currency. Investments in private equity represent long-term capital committed to the market and are most supportive of the currency. Public equity would likely be considered the next most supportive of the currency. Debt investments are the least supportive of the currency.



2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年04月23日


为什么public debt,更加比private euqity 还要脆弱?

这里的重点不是public 还是private,这里的重点是,debt和equity。








笛子_品职助教 · 2022年04月20日




要注意审题,这题问的是:Based on the composition of each country’s currency portfolio, 

那么based on是什么呢:找定位,定位是是以下内容:

stating that investments in private equity make up the majority of Country A’s currency portfolio, investments in public equity make up the majority of Country B’s currency portfolio, and investments in public debt make up the majority of Country C’s currency portfolio.

基于这些内容,选C,而不是A,因为C是由public debt组成的,更脆弱。


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  • 854


NO.PZ202105270100000508问题如下Baseon the composition of eacountry’s currenportfolio, whicountry is most vulnerable to a potenticrisis?A.Country AB.Country BC.Country C is correct. Public makes up the majority of Country C’s currenportfolio, whiis the least supportive flow (or holng) to a currency. Public is less supportive because it hto serviceanmust either repaior refinance potentially triggering a crisis. Some types of flows anholngs are consireto more or less supportive of the currency. Investments in private equity represent long-term capitcommitteto the market anare most supportive of the currency. Public equity woullikely consirethe next most supportive of the currency. investments are the least supportive of the currency.公共债务构成了C国货币组合的大部分,这非常不支持货币的流动性。公共债务的支持性较差,因为它必须得到偿还,而且要么必须偿还,要么必须再融资,这有可能引发危机。一些类型的流动和持有被认为或多或少地支持了货币。对私人股本的投资是对市场的长期投资,也是对货币最有利的支持。公共股权可能会被认为是下一个对货币最有利的因素。债务投资对货币的支持力度最小。 前面的其他同学的问题的回答,我不理解。 问题里说的是currenportfolio的资产是private equity 还是bt, portfolio 是投资人, 但老师的解答确从“被投资方”破产后是否需要还钱的方向解答, 方向反了吧? 不理解

2023-07-31 23:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000508 问题如下 Baseon the composition of eacountry’s currenportfolio, whicountry is most vulnerable to a potenticrisis? A.Country B.Country C.Country C is correct. Public makes up the majority of Country C’s currenportfolio, whiis the least supportive flow (or holng) to a currency. Public is less supportive because it hto serviceanmust either repaior refinance potentially triggering a crisis. Some types of flows anholngs are consireto more or less supportive of the currency. Investments in private equity represent long-term capitcommitteto the market anare most supportive of the currency. Public equity woullikely consirethe next most supportive of the currency. investments are the least supportive of the currency.公共债务构成了C国货币组合的大部分,这非常不支持货币的流动性。公共债务的支持性较差,因为它必须得到偿还,而且要么必须偿还,要么必须再融资,这有可能引发危机。一些类型的流动和持有被认为或多或少地支持了货币。对私人股本的投资是对市场的长期投资,也是对货币最有利的支持。公共股权可能会被认为是下一个对货币最有利的因素。债务投资对货币的支持力度最小。 本题的所提到的composite of currenportfolio是不是理解为接受外资,投降债券或者股权?

2023-01-08 14:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000508问题如下 Baseon the composition of eacountry’s currenportfolio, whicountry is most vulnerable to a potenticrisis?A.Country AB.Country BC.Country C is correct. Public makes up the majority of Country C’s currenportfolio, whiis the least supportive flow (or holng) to a currency. Public is less supportive because it hto serviceanmust either repaior refinance potentially triggering a crisis. Some types of flows anholngs are consireto more or less supportive of the currency. Investments in private equity represent long-term capitcommitteto the market anare most supportive of the currency. Public equity woullikely consirethe next most supportive of the currency. investments are the least supportive of the currency.公共债务构成了C国货币组合的大部分,这非常不支持货币的流动性。公共债务的支持性较差,因为它必须得到偿还,而且要么必须偿还,要么必须再融资,这有可能引发危机。一些类型的流动和持有被认为或多或少地支持了货币。对私人股本的投资是对市场的长期投资,也是对货币最有利的支持。公共股权可能会被认为是下一个对货币最有利的因素。债务投资对货币的支持力度最小。 表1中 ,b国经常账户赤字,又有热钱流入,而c国虽然有热钱流出但经常账户盈余,比较起来应该b国更加脆弱吧

2022-10-03 20:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000508 债务投资比股权投资风险还大?不明白这是哪个知识点

2022-02-24 22:00 1 · 回答