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大河菌 · 2022年04月10日

为什么选择portfolio 3不对?



Leah informs Molly that DFC has a single $500 million liability due in nine years, and she wants SD&R to construct a bond portfolio that earns a rate of return sufficient to pay off the obligation.

which of the portfolios in Exhibit 1 best minimizes the structural risk to a single-liability immunization strategy



Portfolio 1


Portfolio 3


Portfolio 4


Correct Answer: C

C is correct. Structural risk to immunization arises from twists and non-parallel shifts in the yield curve. Structural risk is reduced by minimizing the dispersion of cash flows in the portfolio, which can be accomplished by minimizing the convexity for a given cash flow duration level. Because Portfolio 4 has the lowest convexity compared with the other two portfolios and also has a Macaulay duration close to the liability maturity of nine years, it minimizes structural risk

题目中提到公司的liability due in nine years,portfolio 3正好是9年,为什么不对呢?感觉选择convexity最小的成了唯一标准。

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年04月10日


题目让选strucutrual risk最小的portfolio,要从所有符合免疫三个条件的portfolio中,选择convexity最小的,4是最合适的。

portfolio 3是不能免疫成功的,免疫条件是mac d和Investment Horizon,mac D是资产端债券的mac D,portfolio 3对应的是8,investment horizon是负债的期限,题目说了是9年,所以,portfolio 3是不符合mac D=investment horizon这个条件的,就更谈不上minimize structural risk了。


大河菌 · 2022年04月16日


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NO.PZ2018120301000027 问题如下 Leinforms Molly thC ha single $500 million liability e in nine years, anshe wants SR to construa bonportfolio thearns a rate of return sufficient to poff the obligation. whichof the portfolios in Exhibit 1 best minimizes the structurrisk to asingle-liability immunization strategy A.Portfolio 1 B.Portfolio 3 C.Portfolio 4 CorreAnswer: is correct. Structurrisk to immunization arises from twists annon-parallel shifts in the yielcurve. Structurrisk is receminimizing the spersion of cash flows in the portfolio, whicaccomplisheminimizing the convexity for a given cash flow ration level. Because Portfolio 4 hthe lowest convexity comparewith the other two portfolios analso ha Macaulration close to the liability maturity of nine years, it minimizes structurrisk 老师,零息债券convexity最小,但是零息债券是barbell,barbell的convexity不是最大吗?我是哪里搞错了?

2023-12-13 16:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000027 问题如下 Leinforms Molly thC ha single $500 million liability e in nine years, anshe wants SR to construa bonportfolio thearns a rate of return sufficient to poff the obligation. whichof the portfolios in Exhibit 1 best minimizes the structurrisk to asingle-liability immunization strategy A.Portfolio 1 B.Portfolio 3 C.Portfolio 4 CorreAnswer: is correct. Structurrisk to immunization arises from twists annon-parallel shifts in the yielcurve. Structurrisk is receminimizing the spersion of cash flows in the portfolio, whicaccomplisheminimizing the convexity for a given cash flow ration level. Because Portfolio 4 hthe lowest convexity comparewith the other two portfolios analso ha Macaulration close to the liability maturity of nine years, it minimizes structurrisk 什么时候才适用market value-weighteration呢?

2023-02-01 00:27 1 · 回答