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尚好的青春 · 2022年04月07日




SD&R Capital (SD&R), a global asset management company, specializes in ­fixed-income investments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospective client, Leah of DePuy Financial Company (DFC).

Leah informs Molly that DFC’s previous ­fixed-income manager focused on the interest rate sensitivities of assets and liabilities when making asset allocation decisions. Molly explains that, in contrast, SD&R’s investment process ­first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, and then it builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities.

The investment process followed by DFC’s previous fixed-income manager is best described as



asset-driven liabilities.


liability-driven investing.


asset–liability management.


Correct Answer: C

C is correct. Asset–liability management strategies consider both assets and liabilities in the portfolio decision-making process. Leah notes that DFC’s previous fixed-income manager attempted to control for interest rate risk by focusing on both the asset and the liability side of the company’s balance sheet. The previous manager thus followed an asset–liability management strategy.

题目中是一句liability来build asset portfolio,不是么?

大写的LUCIA · 2022年04月07日

Leah informs Molly that DFC’s previous ­fixed-income manager focused on the interest rate sensitivities of assets and liabilities when making asset allocation decisions. 题目问的是previous fixed-income manager

尚好的青春 · 2022年04月07日

Molly explains that, in contrast, SD&R’s investment process ­first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, and then it builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities.这句话就是分析liability的规模和期限以及利率的敏感度来build asset portfolio啊?

2 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年04月08日



liability给定,也就是由业务决定liability,根据负债特点决定投什么,LDI更多是强调资产配置方法,CFA主要研究的资产配置方法就是LDI下的,养老金、银行等都是LDI,asset目的是cover liability。



本题属于比较细微的知识点区分,专门考到的这个区别。但是在其他题目中,并不强调是Asset-liability management中的哪种,所以经常会碰到Asset-liability management与Liability-driven investing混用的情况(在CFA中不考虑Asset-driven liability的情况)。


pzqa015 · 2022年04月08日


以前的分析师说:SD&R’s investment process ­first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, and then it builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities.



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NO.PZ2018120301000021 问题如下 SRCapit(SR), a globasset management company, specializes in ­fixeincomeinvestments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospectiveclient, Leof Puy FinanciCompany (C). Leinforms Molly thatC’s previous ­fixeincome manager focuseon the interest rate sensitivitiesof assets anliabilities when making asset allocation cisions. Mollyexplains that, in contrast, SR’s investment process ­first analyzes thesize antiming of client liabilities, anthen it buil asset portfoliobaseon the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities. Theinvestment process followeC’s previous fixeincome manager is bestscribe A.asset-iven liabilities. B.liability-iven investing. C.asset–liability management. CorreAnswer: is correct. Asset–liability management strategies consir both assets anliabilities in the portfolio cision-making process. Lenotes thC’s previous fixeincome manager attempteto control for interest rate risk focusing on both the asset anthe liability si of the company’s balansheet. The previous manager thus followeasset–liability management strategy. 这道题问的的是之前fixeincome的策略,但在题目里并没有说明到底是先有asset还是先有liability,只是说我两者都focus,所以直接就选asset-liability management吗,这样子理解可以吗

2024-04-18 16:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000021问题如下 SRCapit(SR), a globasset management company, specializes in ­fixeincomeinvestments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospectiveclient, Leof Puy FinanciCompany (C). Leinforms Molly thatC’s previous ­fixeincome manager focuseon the interest rate sensitivitiesof assets anliabilities when making asset allocation cisions. Mollyexplains that, in contrast, SR’s investment process ­first analyzes thesize antiming of client liabilities, anthen it buil asset portfoliobaseon the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities. Theinvestment process followeC’s previous fixeincome manager is bestscribeA.asset-iven liabilities.B.liability-iven investing.C.asset–liability management. CorreAnswer: is correct. Asset–liability management strategies consir both assets anliabilities in the portfolio cision-making process. Lenotes thC’s previous fixeincome manager attempteto control for interest rate risk focusing on both the asset anthe liability si of the company’s balansheet. The previous manager thus followeasset–liability management strategy. 请问一下,这个知识点在书上哪里呢?我没有找到。另外之前的策略应该是ALM 因为他同时关注A和L,后面in contrast之后的是不是还是L呢?因为是先看负债的特点

2024-03-20 08:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000021 问题如下 SRCapit(SR), a globasset management company, specializes in ­fixeincomeinvestments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospectiveclient, Leof Puy FinanciCompany (C). Leinforms Molly thatC’s previous ­fixeincome manager focuseon the interest rate sensitivitiesof assets anliabilities when making asset allocation cisions. Mollyexplains that, in contrast, SR’s investment process ­first analyzes thesize antiming of client liabilities, anthen it buil asset portfoliobaseon the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities. Theinvestment process followeC’s previous fixeincome manager is bestscribe A.asset-iven liabilities. B.liability-iven investing. C.asset–liability management. CorreAnswer: is correct. Asset–liability management strategies consir both assets anliabilities in the portfolio cision-making process. Lenotes thC’s previous fixeincome manager attempteto control for interest rate risk focusing on both the asset anthe liability si of the company’s balansheet. The previous manager thus followeasset–liability management strategy. 请问固收里面的L和AA中的ALM有区别吗?

2023-10-31 20:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000021问题如下 SRCapit(SR), a globasset management company, specializes in ­fixeincomeinvestments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospectiveclient, Leof Puy FinanciCompany (C). Leinforms Molly thatC’s previous ­fixeincome manager focuseon the interest rate sensitivitiesof assets anliabilities when making asset allocation cisions. Mollyexplains that, in contrast, SR’s investment process ­first analyzes thesize antiming of client liabilities, anthen it buil asset portfoliobaseon the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities. Theinvestment process followeC’s previous fixeincome manager is bestscribeA.asset-iven liabilities.B.liability-iven investing.C.asset–liability management. CorreAnswer: is correct. Asset–liability management strategies consir both assets anliabilities in the portfolio cision-making process. Lenotes thC’s previous fixeincome manager attempteto control for interest rate risk focusing on both the asset anthe liability si of the company’s balansheet. The previous manager thus followeasset–liability management strategy. 老师好,这道题为什么不选B呢

2023-06-13 22:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000021问题如下 SRCapit(SR), a globasset management company, specializes in ­fixeincomeinvestments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospectiveclient, Leof Puy FinanciCompany (C). Leinforms Molly thatC’s previous ­fixeincome manager focuseon the interest rate sensitivitiesof assets anliabilities when making asset allocation cisions. Mollyexplains that, in contrast, SR’s investment process ­first analyzes thesize antiming of client liabilities, anthen it buil asset portfoliobaseon the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities. Theinvestment process followeC’s previous fixeincome manager is bestscribeA.asset-iven liabilities.B.liability-iven investing.C.asset–liability management. CorreAnswer: is correct. Asset–liability management strategies consir both assets anliabilities in the portfolio cision-making process. Lenotes thC’s previous fixeincome manager attempteto control for interest rate risk focusing on both the asset anthe liability si of the company’s balansheet. The previous manager thus followeasset–liability management strategy. 后面的这种是liiven,他不是说跟前面的那种方式in contrast相反吗?那不是应选asset iven?

2022-11-24 11:33 1 · 回答