list of composite descriptions
the composite description
composite strategy
NO.PZ201603110100003204 C为什么不对,框架图aertising guilines那页有原句啊?
NO.PZ201603110100003204 composite strategy 在讲义上是不是没有写?0-5里也没有相关描述吗?
NO.PZ201603110100003204 composite strategy. extent anuse of leverage anrivatives. B is correct. Herrschaft’s scription of the composite strategy is uninformative. It woulmost likely possible for Herrschaft to provi a more satisfactory scription without revealing its tra secrets. A is incorrebecause the scription of the firm is aquate. C is incorrebecause Herrschaft states thrivatives are usesolely for the purpose of efficient management of cash flows. GIPS Provision III.B.11 states, \"All aertisements thinclu a claim of complianwith the GIPS stanr following the GIPS Aertising Guilines must sclose the following: The presence, use, anextent of leverage, rivatives, anshort positions, if material, inclung a scription of the frequenof use ancharacteristiof the instruments sufficient to intify risks\". Consequently, a scription of the use anextent of leverage or rivatives is not requirein this case. (See Sections 3.11 an5 of the reang.)可以具体再讲下广告关于leverage的披露吗
不是已经说是funmantvalue strategy了吗?这样还不够吗?那要sclose到什么程度?
请问一下1. 何时sclose presence,use extent of leverage,rivatives short positions?a)只要有用到其中之一,就must sclose;如果material,除了sclose,还要inclu a scription of frequenof use characteristiof instruments. b)must sclose only if materiuse, also inclung a scription of ...2. Firms must sclose a scription of composite strategy if presenting performanresults when aertising. 怎样的一个scription才算informative (GIPS-compliant)?麻烦给出一些关键词,例子。3. Firms must sclose a scription / finition of firm (generally). 怎样才算符合标准的呢?本题的scription并没有写明,this firm hautonomy over investment cision-making a stinbusiness unit (所谓的正统定义),为什么仍然是GIPS-compliant呢?谢谢!