第二小问,那个return objection是啥啊,是investment objective吗,看答案都没见过这玩意
然后risk objective不是min shortfall risk&pv of contribution吗,答案写的这一大长串又是啥
发亮_品职助教 · 2022年04月05日
那个return objection是啥啊,是investment objective吗,看答案都没见过这玩意
对,Return objective可以理解成就是Investment objective,这两个词可能会混用。
这道题的题干是Contrast the return and risk objectives of the R-Cubed pension and defined contribution plans,实际上就是要比较R-Cubed pension(题干没写清楚,实际上他是想指DB Plan)与DC Plan的Return和Risk。
答案下面就说,本题的DB plan的收益目标小于DC(DC并没有明确的收益目标)。这个结论主要是从表格对比得到的,因为本题DB Plan可承受风险的能力相对较弱,因此Return目标定得也会更低一些。
The return objective of the pension plan is lower than that of the defined contribution plan, which has no well-defined benefit target.
下面这个答案是说,DC Plan可以追求增值型头寸(Growth media),来获得超额Alpha收益,而Pesion(DB)的收益目标是需要meet Payout。这点就是我们所学到的,DB plan投资存在法定约定好的Payment目标需要满足,而DC没有明确的投资目标,具体要看员工自己选的投资标的。
While the return of the defined contribution plan may be oriented more towards growth media in pursuit of higher alpha strategies, the pension plan has ongoing and increasing payout targets to meet.
接着下面这句说,DB plan的投资目标不能仅仅满足产生现金流支付Payout (production of Income)的要求,还需要投资增值型头寸来保证购买力,同时降低Underfunded status。
这点也完全正确,DB plan,整体上是Asset-liability investing,是兼顾资产与负债的投资,是要让资产的增值与负债的增长同步,要维持Funded status,同时还产生现金流支付Payment是我们的目标。这里的保持购买力就是指资产要至少要实现一个inflation的收益。
The pension plan cannot focus exclusively on the production of income. It will need to invest in growth-oriented media to preserve the purchasing power of its contractual benefits as well as to amortize its underfunded status over time.
实际上我们答题的时候,把DB与DC的Investment objective各自写上即可。
然后risk objective不是min shortfall risk&pv of contribution吗,答案写的这一大长串又是啥
这里说DC Plan比DB plan可以承担更大的风险,因为员工更年轻,更晚才能拿到Payment,没有提前约定好的Payment需要满足,并且养老金也不会根据inflation进行调整,这里的信息都是从表格里的数据得到的:
The defined contribution plan can undertake greater risk than the pension plan because its workforce is younger, benefits commence at a later age, there is no predetermined benefit target to meet, and the benefits are not indexed to inflation.
同时,这道题有个特殊的地方是,本题的DB Plan是一个Frozen DB,没有Contribution了。而DC plan还有Contribution,所以对应下句,DC的资产(Contribution)还会继续增加,可以投资更激进(Riskier investments)。
The asset base of the defined contribution plan, unlike that of the pension, is expected to increase, allowing the plan to invest in riskier investments.
实际上Risk objective,就是结合DB与DC表格里的信息,写一下谁的风险更大,然后找一些指标支持该结论即可。