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李建强 · 2022年03月23日


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The tax liability on the sale of the Steelworq shares is:


A. −$4,000.

B. $0.

C. $33,020.


A is correct. There is a tax loss of $4,000, representing a tax benefit, on Yoonim’s sale of the Steelworq shares. In the United States, there is a basis “step-up” on death, meaning that someone who inherits an asset would have a tax basis equal to the fair market value of the asset on the date of death. Since the Steelworq shares had a market value of $200,000 at the time of the relative’s death and Yoonim sells the shares for $180,000, the tax liability on the sale of the Steelworq shares is calculated as:

Tax liability on sale of Steelworq shares = ($180,000 − $200,000) × 20% capital gains tax rate = −$4,000 (tax benefit).


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2022年03月24日

本题考察这部分股票卖出后所导致的tax liability是多少:



  • 1

  • 1

  • 574


NO.PZ202109080300000104 问题如下 The tliability on the sale of the Steelworq shares is: A.−$4,000. B.$0. C.$33,020. A is correct. There is a tloss of $4,000, representing atbenefit, on Yoonim’ssale of the Steelworq shares. In the UniteStates, there is a basis “step-up”on ath, meaning thsomeone who inherits asset woulhave a tbasisequto the fair market value of the asset on the te of ath. SintheSteelworq shares ha market value of $200,000 the time of the relative’sath anYoonim sells the shares for $180,000, the tliability on the saleof the Steelworq shares is calculateas: Tliability on sale of Steelworq shares = ($180,000− $200,000) × 20% capitgains trate = −$4,000 (tbenefit). 在基础班讲义哪一页?我看另一个回答是118页 但是最新版基础班讲义没有啊

2023-04-17 10:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202109080300000104问题如下 The tliability on the sale of the Steelworq shares is: A.−$4,000. B.$0. C.$33,020. A is correct. There is a tloss of $4,000, representing atbenefit, on Yoonim’ssale of the Steelworq shares. In the UniteStates, there is a basis “step-up”on ath, meaning thsomeone who inherits asset woulhave a tbasisequto the fair market value of the asset on the te of ath. SintheSteelworq shares ha market value of $200,000 the time of the relative’sath anYoonim sells the shares for $180,000, the tliability on the saleof the Steelworq shares is calculateas: Tliability on sale of Steelworq shares = ($180,000− $200,000) × 20% capitgains trate = −$4,000 (tbenefit). 本题中set up后成本价为200000,实际卖出价是180000,不用交税所以为零,为什么会出现-4000,谢谢

2022-04-18 15:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202109080300000104问题如下 The tliability on the sale of the Steelworq shares is: A.−$4,000.B.$0.C.$33,020. A is correct. There is a tloss of $4,000, representing atbenefit, on Yoonim’ssale of the Steelworq shares. In the UniteStates, there is a basis “step-up”on ath, meaning thsomeone who inherits asset woulhave a tbasisequto the fair market value of the asset on the te of ath. SintheSteelworq shares ha market value of $200,000 the time of the relative’sath anYoonim sells the shares for $180,000, the tliability on the saleof the Steelworq shares is calculateas: Tliability on sale of Steelworq shares = ($180,000− $200,000) × 20% capitgains trate = −$4,000 (tbenefit). 请问”step-up”的概念在框架图第几页

2022-04-10 21:03 1 · 回答