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BAiko · 2022年03月13日

不懂为什么股票数量越多,tracking error就一定越大



Winthrop and Tong agree that only the existing equity investments need to be liquidated. Tong suggests that, as an alternative to direct equity investments, the new equity portfolio be composed of the exchange-traded funds (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.

Based on Exhibit 1 and assuming a full-replication indexing approach, the tracking error is expected to be highest for:









An index that contains a large number of constituents will tend to create higher tracking error than one with fewer constituents. Based on the number of constituents in the three indexes (S&P/TSX 60 has 60, S&P 500 has 506, and MSCI EAFE has 933), EFA (the MSCI EAFE ETF) is expected to have the highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; and EFA: 0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns and higher tracking error, which implies that EFA has the highest expected tracking error.

如果一只INDEX只有50只股票 ,当然股票数量超过本身index,error就越大。

但这道题又没具体说,我怎么知道不是指有一只本身1000只股票的Index。 如果A里只有30只,不就应该选A可能性更大么。

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年03月14日


同学你好,题干里说清楚了哦,是采用的full-replication indexing approach。



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NO.PZ2019012201000050 问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest for A.XIU B.SPY C.EF inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 如题,这道题是只看in中的股票数量吗?股票数量最多的,做被动投资的tracking error最大?

2024-06-19 10:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest forA.XIU B.SPY C.EFA inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 这里的数量是benchmark inx里的个数吧?个数越多,越难模拟,TE越高。那这个和U shape是不是没关系?U shape应该是portfolio里的个数吧,越多的话考虑trang costTE越大?另外,有的题目在三种方法里选,选full replication条件是asset size sufficient还有liqui是说要有钱且好交易对吧,那对于成分数量是不是适中比较好呢?

2024-05-20 08:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050 问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest for A.XIU B.SPY C.EF inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 如题

2024-05-09 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest forA.XIU B.SPY C.EFA inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 这个图形,在不考虑trang cost情况下,单独考虑成分股数量,不应该是那条向下倾斜的虚线吗?意思是成份股数量越大(讲课举例接近5000),tracting error逐渐减小吗?没理解这个点

2024-02-20 09:30 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000050 问题如下 Winthrop anTong agreethonly the existing equity investments neeto liquite Tong suggeststhat, alternative to reequity investments, the new equity portfoliocomposeof the exchange-trafun (ETFs) shown in Exhibit 1.Basen Exhibit 1 anassuming a full-replication inxing approach, the trackingerror is expecteto highest for A.XIU B.SPY C.EF inx thcontains a large number of constituents will tentocreate higher tracking error thone with fewer constituents. Baseon thenumber of constituents in the three inxes (S P/TSX 60 h60, S P 500h506, anMSEAFE h933), EFA (the MSEAFE ETF) is expecteto havethe highest tracking error. Higher expense ratios (XIU: 0.18%; SPY: 0.10%; anEFA:0.33%) also contribute to lower excess returns anhigher tracking error, whichimplies thEFA hthe highest expectetracking error. 这里的expense ratio指的是投资ETF所需的费用么?ratio的分母是什么?

2024-01-23 14:26 1 · 回答