A Japanese benefactor recently donated a plot of land in Japan to the Sanctuary.
Ownership of the land has been transferred to the Sanctuary, which has a binding
contract to sell the property for JPY500,000,000. The property sale will be completed
in 30 days. The Sanctuary’s CFO wants to hedge the risk of JPY depreciation using
futures contracts. The CFO assumes a hedge ratio of 1.
Describe a strategy to implement the CFO’s desired hedge.
The Sanctuary’s CFO can use currency futures contracts to lock in the current
LLD/JPY exchange rate. The CFO can hedge the Sanctuary’s exchange rate risk
by selling JPY futures contracts with the closest expiry to the expected future
JPY inflow. When the futures contracts expire, the Sanctuary will receive (pay)
any depreciation (appreciation) in JPY relative to LLD (when compared with the
original LLD/JPY futures contract price). The CFO can determine the number
of contracts needed by dividing the property’s sale price of JPY500,000,000 by
the JPY futures contract value. Because the hedge ratio is assumed to equal 1,
the changes in futures and spot prices will be equal during the life of the futures
contract, and so the hedge will be fully effective.