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demon0312 · 2022年03月08日




Aron wants to analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currency USD for portfolio X. It is known that the domestic-currency return is 15% and the foreign-currency asset return is 12%. Which of the following is correct?



the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is -2.61%, EUR relative to USD is appreciated.


the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USD is appreciated.


the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USD is depreciated.


C is correct.

考点:Currency Risk & Portfolio Return and Risk



已知domestic-currency return is 15%,即RDC=15%R_{DC}=15\%,foreign-currency asset return is 12%,即RFC=12%R_{FC}=12\% ,代入公式,则RFX=2.68%R_{FX}=2.68\% 。根据EUR/USD(DC/FC)的外汇报价方式,由于RFX>0R_{FX}>0,因此USD相对于EUR是升值的,也就是说, EUR相对于USD是贬值的。

the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%,, EUR relative to USD is depreciated.这个选项答案没问题,但是我们在计算 spot exchange rate是不是应该站在EUR角度,这样计算数值应该是-2.61%,毕竟题目问的是analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currency USD。

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2022年03月09日



问题:但是我们在计算 spot exchange rate是不是应该站在EUR角度,这样计算数值应该是-2.61%,毕竟题目问的是analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currency USD


1.     计算spot exchange rate的汇率表达形式一定是本币/外币的形式哈,在咱们外汇管理中不论是计算还是分析都是基于这个表达形式的。对应本题中本币是EUR,外币是USD。所以是按照EUR/USD的汇率表达形式计算的,也可以说是站在了USD的角度;

2.     然后选项第二部分讨论的是EUR相比于USD升贬值的问题,因为货币的升贬值是相对的,一个币种的贬值对应的是另一个币种的升值,因此虽然计算是站在USD的角度,可以得到USD是升值的,同样也可以判断EUR是贬值的。


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NO.PZ2018111501000001问题如下Aron wants to analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currenUSfor portfolio X. It is known ththe mestic-currenreturn is 15% anthe foreign-currenasset return is 12%. Whiof the following is correct?A.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is -2.61%, EUR relative to USis appreciateB.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USis appreciateC.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USis preciate C is correct.考点CurrenRisk Portfolio Return anRisk解析R=(1+RFC)(1+RFX)−1R_{}=(1+R_{FC})(1+R_{FX})-1R​=(1+RFC​)(1+RFX​)−1已知mestic-currenreturn is 15%,即R=15%R_{}=15\%R​=15%,foreign-currenasset return is 12%,即RFC=12%R_{FC}=12\%RFC​=12% ,代入公式,则RFX=2.68%R_{FX}=2.68\%RFX​=2.68% 。根据EUR/US/FC)的外汇报价方式,由于RFX 0R_{FX} 0RFX​ 0,因此US对于EUR是升值的,也就是说, EUR相对于US贬值的。 根据Fc/的报价方式,应该是useur,那这么看eur应该是升值了啊

2023-12-13 11:40 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111501000001 问题如下 Aron wants to analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currenUSfor portfolio X. It is known ththe mestic-currenreturn is 15% anthe foreign-currenasset return is 12%. Whiof the following is correct? A.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is -2.61%, EUR relative to USis appreciate B.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USis appreciate C.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USis preciate C is correct.考点CurrenRisk Portfolio Return anRisk解析R=(1+RFC)(1+RFX)−1R_{}=(1+R_{FC})(1+R_{FX})-1R​=(1+RFC​)(1+RFX​)−1已知mestic-currenreturn is 15%,即R=15%R_{}=15\%R​=15%,foreign-currenasset return is 12%,即RFC=12%R_{FC}=12\%RFC​=12% ,代入公式,则RFX=2.68%R_{FX}=2.68\%RFX​=2.68% 。根据EUR/US/FC)的外汇报价方式,由于RFX 0R_{FX} 0RFX​ 0,因此US对于EUR是升值的,也就是说, EUR相对于US贬值的。 这里想问下题干阅读理解的问题,是否外汇这里有约定俗成的含义。题干中提到了analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currenUSfor portfolio X。因此可以知道USFC。但如果题目中去掉粗体的foreign currency,只说analyze the movement of EUR against USfor portfolio X,是否能知道FC是谁?看到基础班课件上对于Rfx的定义,提到了Rfx is the movement of foreign currenagianst mestic currency.所以有点疑问。

2023-06-29 14:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111501000001 问题如下 Aron wants to analyze the movement of EUR against the foreign currenUSfor portfolio X. It is known ththe mestic-currenreturn is 15% anthe foreign-currenasset return is 12%. Whiof the following is correct? A.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is -2.61%, EUR relative to USis appreciate B.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USis appreciate C.the percentage movement in the spot exchange rate is 2.68%, EUR relative to USis preciate C is correct.考点CurrenRisk Portfolio Return anRisk解析R=(1+RFC)(1+RFX)−1R_{}=(1+R_{FC})(1+R_{FX})-1R​=(1+RFC​)(1+RFX​)−1已知mestic-currenreturn is 15%,即R=15%R_{}=15\%R​=15%,foreign-currenasset return is 12%,即RFC=12%R_{FC}=12\%RFC​=12% ,代入公式,则RFX=2.68%R_{FX}=2.68\%RFX​=2.68% 。根据EUR/US/FC)的外汇报价方式,由于RFX 0R_{FX} 0RFX​ 0,因此US对于EUR是升值的,也就是说, EUR相对于US贬值的。 问题1.这道题目 本币EUR, 外币是US对吗? 题干中 ,如果说 foreign currenUS那么 US就是 外币吧?(因为 总是习惯性 认为 US本币了)问题2.这里算出来 Rfx ,外汇变动收益为2.68%代表 外汇US相对于 EUR 上涨了2.68%但是如果算,本币EUR 相对于 外汇下跌了多少%?怎么算呢?USEUR 从1 ,变成 1.0268EUR/US1,变成1/1.0268则US变动幅度是 (1/1.0268-1)=-2.61%是这样计算吗?

2022-12-03 12:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111501000001 老师,您好!请问下,通过这道题的题干的描述“EUR against the foreign currenUS,能否直接判断出来是USEUR还是EUR/US

2021-10-05 11:45 1 · 回答