Johnson research a convertible arbitrage strategy and analyzes transactions involving ABC company stocks and convertible bonds. And collect selected data for ABC company, as shown in Exhibit 1
Based on comparisons with industry ratios, Johnson believes that the relative value of ABC's stock is overvalued, while convertible bonds are undervalued. And believe the potential profit outcomes of a long position in the convertible bond combined with a short stock position,assuming that the stock price changes very little, ignoring dividends and borrowing costs. He came to the following conclusions:
"Regardless of whether ABC's share price is falling or rising, the profit of a convertible arbitrage transaction is the same."
A. correct
B. incorrect, because the profit will be higher if the share price decreases
C. incorrect, because if the stock price rises, the profit will be higher
A is correct.
经典的可转债套利策略是买入相对低估的可转债,做空相对高估的标的股票。如果可转换债券的现价接近转换价值,那么做多可转换股票和做空股票 delta 敞口的组合将造成这样一种情况,即股价的小幅变化而忽略股息和借贷成本,损益将是相同的。 ABC可转债当前转股价格为1000欧元×(120/100)/50=24欧元,当前ABC股价为29欧元。因此,通过购买可转换债券、卖空股票、行使转换选择权并以当前市场价格出售股票,无论股价如何变化,都可以锁定 5 欧元的利润。下表通过显示三种不同股票价格的相同交易利润 5 欧元来证明这一结果:
通过可转换债券获利的多头股 = 新股价格 - 当前转换价格
做空股票利润 = 当前股价 - 新股价
总利润 = 多头股票通过可转换债券利润 + 空头股票利润
因此,无论股价如何,可转换套利交易的总利润为 5 欧元
B 不正确,因为如果可转换债券的现价接近转换价值,那么做多可转换股票和做空股票 delta 敞口的组合会造成盈亏相同的情况(如果股价下跌,则不会更高) .
C 不正确,因为如果可转换债券的当前价格接近转换价值,那么可转换多头和空头股票 delta 敞口的组合将造成这样一种情况,即对于股票价格的小幅变化,损益将相同(不 如果股价上涨则更高)。