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lsjlsjlsj · 2022年02月20日

No.PZ2016070202000005 Var的定义和计算-2、3选项的辨析



Backtesting routinely compares daily profits and losses with model-generated risk measures to gauge the quality and accuracy of their risk measurement systems. The 1996 Market Risk Amendment describes the backtesting framework that is to accompany the internal models capital requirement. This backtesting framework involves

I.       The size of outliers

II.     The use of risk measure calibrated to a one-day holding period

III.   The size of outliers for a risk measure calibrated to a 10-day holding period

IV.    Number of outliers



II and III


II only


I and II


II and IV


D is correct. The backtesting framework in the IMA only counts the number of times a daily exception occurs (i.e., a loss worse than VAR). So, this involves the number of outliers and the daily VAR measure.


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2022年02月20日


II说的是VaR backtesting框架是把风险度量统一调整为1天的持有期,III说的是VaR backtesting考虑了尾部极端损失的大小。

II是对的,III错误,因为var backtesting只考虑daily exception loss的数量,没有考虑这个exception loss具体是有多大。



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NO.PZ2016070202000005 问题如下 Backtesting routinely compares ily profits anlosses with mol-generaterisk measures to gauge the quality anaccuraof their risk measurement systems. The 1996 Market Risk Amenent scribes the backtesting framework this to accompany the internmols capitrequirement. This backtesting framework involvesI. The size of outliersII. The use of risk measure calibrateto a one-y holng perioII. The size of outliers for a risk measure calibrateto a 10-y holng perioV. Number of outliers A.II anIII B.II only C.I anII II anIV is correct. The backtesting framework in the IMA only counts the number of times a ily exception occurs (i.e., a loss worse thVAR). So, this involves the number of outliers anthe ily Vmeasure. 如题

2024-03-01 23:00 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000005 II only I anII II anIV is correct. The backtesting framework in the IMA only counts the number of times a ily exception occurs (i.e., a loss worse thVAR). So, this involves the number of outliers anthe ily Vmeasure.老师好,巴塞尔协议对信用风险、市场风险、操作风险置信区间、时间间隔…是怎么规定的?还有为什么这么规定?我一直没有记住和搞混?非常感谢!

2021-08-28 14:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000005 请问这道题在课件的哪个地方有体现?

2021-08-06 22:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000005 1. calibrateto a one-y holng perio2. calibrateto a ten-y holng perio我知道10天的VAR是通过ily VAR去推出来的,所以这两种说法感觉第二种更对吧?就是(通过ily)调整成10天期限的VAR。而不是说直接调整成1天期限的VAR。

2021-03-31 12:32 2 · 回答