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小王爱学习 · 2022年02月12日




Consider the situation where the cost of an asset to be purchased in the future is being hedged. What is the impact of a positive basis when the hedge is closed out?


The cost of the asset is the initial futures price plus the basis. A positive basis therefore worsens the hedger’s situation.


hat is the impact of a positive basis when the hedge is closed out?


2 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2022年02月15日

section 8那里讲了基差的含义,这里你要活学活用,理解我之前说的那个过程分两步,首先要明白对冲操作的过程(期初买期货,期末在现货市场买现货同时期货平仓); 然后融入基差来算最后买东西的最终成本。

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2022年02月13日


然后问这种情况对“对冲未来买东西的风险的操作” 有什么影响。(S-F结束是正数)

对冲未来买东西就是要在期货市场long future来对冲未来买东西的价格上涨。现在说结束的时候正基差,结束时候的操作是在现货市场买现货(-S),同时平掉期货头寸(F结束 - F0)。那结束时的现金流就是-S+F结束 -F0。也就是现金流是-F0-正基差。基差越正,花的钱越多。

小王爱学习 · 2022年02月14日


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NO.PZ2020012001000024问题如下Consir the situation where the cost of asset to purchasein the future is being hee Whis the impaof a positive basis when the hee is closeout?The cost of the asset is the initifutures priplus the basis. A positive basis therefore worsens the heer’s situation.老师好,有两个地方不太明白1、第一条红线不明白,题目说的是未来买现货,也就是现货借来卖,未来买回,怕价格上涨,所以是short spot ,long futures。然后colse out 时,short futures,收到卖出的期货现金流(Ft-F0)明白,但是不明白为什么买现货?2,这道题并不是说的是stettlement(到期交割/结算),而是close out,也就是期货未到期前做反向头寸中止期货。回答中的好多处表述是“到期日”这样说对吗?

2024-05-29 23:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012001000024 问题如下 Consir the situation where the cost of asset to purchasein the future is being hee Whis the impaof a positive basis when the hee is closeout? The cost of the asset is the initifutures priplus the basis. A positive basis therefore worsens the heer’s situation. 老师,是要对冲cost of asset to purchasein the future吗?在未来买这个asset 是用未来时点的现货价格买还是在现在时点用期货买?整个题干就没看明白,麻烦老师详细讲解下整道题,谢谢!

2023-02-03 15:00 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012001000024问题如下Consir the situation where the cost of asset to purchasein the future is being hee Whis the impaof a positive basis when the hee is closeout? The cost of the asset is the initifutures priplus the basis. A positive basis therefore worsens the heer’s situation.long方成本总是=X-基差,基差越大成本越低

2022-03-16 17:09 1 · 回答

这道题是一个long future用的short hee ,strengthen basis会导致short hee 亏钱的意思么?

2021-01-17 15:02 2 · 回答