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marciaaa · 2022年02月06日

请问一下bubble line chart如何表示四个及以上变量overtime的关系



Which valuation tool is recommended to be used if the goal is to make comparisons of three or more variables over time?


A.Heat map B.Bubble line chart C.Scatter plot matrix


B is correct. A bubble line chart is a version of a line chart where data points are replaced with varying-sized bubbles to represent a third dimension of the data. A line chart is very effective at visualizing trends in three or more variables over time. A is incorrect because a heat map differentiates high values from low values and reflects the correlation between variables but does not help in making comparisons of variables over time. C is incorrect because a scatterplot matrix is a useful tool for organizing scatterplots between pairs of variables, making it easy to inspect all pairwise relationships in one combined visual. However, it does not help in making comparisons of these variables over time.


2 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年02月06日


line chart有左、右及下方三条坐标轴,可以代表三个维度。一般用下方的坐标轴来指代时间,可以体现随着时间变化的关系。

用bubble 的size和color可以继续增加维度。

但三维度的情况比较多。四维度及以上再用line chart就显得很乱了,一般也不会去用。

GS · 2022年05月16日


星星_品职助教 · 2022年05月17日


原版书上并没有给出bubble line chart有右边坐标轴的实图例子,这里举一个书上的普通line chart的例子,说明右边有坐标轴的情况。