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FrankSun · 2022年01月28日




Azarov asks Bector to develop ML models for unstructured stock sentiment datasets, Dataset ABC.

Bector notes that Dataset ABC is characterized by the absence of ground truth.

What percentage of Dataset ABC should be allocated to a training subset?









A is correct;

0% of the master dataset of Dataset ABC should be allocated to a training subset. Dataset ABC is characterized by the absence of ground truth (i.e., no known outcome or target variable) and is therefore an unsupervised ML model.

For unsupervised learning models, no splitting of the master dataset is needed, because of the absence of labeled training data.

Supervised ML datasets (with labeled training data) contain ground truth, the known outcome (target variable) of each observation in the dataset.

B is incorrect because 20% is the commonly recommended split for the crossvalidation set and test set in supervised training ML datasets.

C is incorrect because 60% is the commonly recommended split for the training set in supervised training ML datasets.

考点:Model Training - Method Selection

麻烦老师指引一下 ,这道题对应的讲解章节页数和意思。谢谢

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年01月28日


ground truth意为:可以确认真伪的数据或者有标准答案的数据,从CFA的角度出发,直接简单理解为有标签的数据(labeled data)即可。这是supervised learning的特征。

所以题干中说“Dataset ABC is characterized by the absence of ground truth”相当于在说这是个没有标签数据集的unsupervised learning。unsupervised learning不需要在master dataset中分出labeled training data.


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NO.PZ2021083101000005问题如下 Azarov asks Bector to velop ML mols for unstructurestosentiment tasets, taset ABC.Bector notes thtaset Ais characterizethe absenof grountruth.Whpercentage of taset Ashoulallocateto a training subset? A.0%B.20%C.60% A is correct; 0% of the master taset of taset Ashoulallocateto a training subset. taset Ais characterizethe absenof grountruth (i.e., no known outcome or target variable) anis therefore unsuperviseML mol. For unsuperviselearning mols, no splitting of the master taset is nee because of the absenof labeletraining tSuperviseML tasets (with labeletraining tcontain grountruth, the known outcome (target variable) of eaobservation in the taset.B is incorrebecause 20% is the commonly recommensplit for the crossvalition set antest set in supervisetraining ML tasets. C is incorrebecause 60% is the commonly recommensplit for the training set in supervisetraining ML tasets. 考点Mol Training - MethoSelection 也就是非superviselearning。所以没有training ta(0%)?老师,这个知识点在哪里呢?

2022-07-15 22:45 1 · 回答

20% 60% A is correct; 0% of the master taset of taset Ashoulallocateto a training subset. taset Ais characterizethe absenof grountruth (i.e., no known outcome or target variable) anis therefore unsuperviseML mol. For unsuperviselearning mols, no splitting of the master taset is nee because of the absenof labeletraining tSuperviseML tasets (with labeletraining tcontain grountruth, the known outcome (target variable) of eaobservation in the taset. B is incorrebecause 20% is the commonly recommensplit for the crossvalition set antest set in supervisetraining ML tasets. C is incorrebecause 60% is the commonly recommensplit for the training set in supervisetraining ML tasets. 考点Mol Training - MethoSelection 老师,grountruth不就是supervise?那不是应该6:2:2?为什么不选C?

2022-05-29 23:06 1 · 回答