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Clare · 2022年01月21日

老师请问 这道题 怎么查表,还有他们的名称one-sided lower/upper alternative,还有size代表什么意思?



Using the Excel function NORM.S.DIST or a normal prob-ability table, what are the critical values when testing the null hypothesis, H0:μ=μ0H_0: \mu = \mu_0, against

a. a one-sided lower alternative using a size of 10%?

b. a one-sided upper alternative using a size of 20%?

c. a two-sided alternative using a size of 2%?

d. a two-sided alternative using a size of .1%?



a. The lower-tailed critical value is -1.28.

b. The one-sided upper-critical value is 0.84.

c. A two-sided alternative with a size of 2% uses the same critical value as a one-sided upper test, which is 2.32. Each tail has probability 1% when using the critical value.

d. This size corresponds to the same critical value as a .05% upper-tailed test, which is 3.29.











2 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2022年01月21日

同学你好,因为正态分布均值是0,所以累计50%概率对应的就是0点,往左(累计概率小于50%)z值就是负的,往右z值就是正的。而正态分布表里面只显示正数,对应的累计概率是大于50%的,第一问你找到0.9对应的数,意味着累计概率90%(右边剩10%的尾巴)对应1.28,正态分布是对称的,所以lower tail(数值低的左边)对应的就是-1.28。



Jacinth · 2023年03月04日


品职答疑小助手雍 · 2023年03月04日



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NO.PZ2020010304000048 问题如下 Using the Excel function NORM.S.ST or a normprob-ability table, whare the criticvalues when testing the null hypothesis, H0:μ=μ0H_0: \mu = \mu_0H0​:μ=μ0​, against a one-silower alternative using a size of 10%? a one-siupper alternative using a size of 20%? a two-sialternative using a size of 2%? a two-sialternative using a size of .1%? The lower-tailecriticvalue is -1.28. The one-siupper-criticvalue is 0.84. A two-sialternative with a size of 2% uses the same criticvalue a one-siupper test, whiis 2.32. Eatail hprobability 1% when using the criticvalue. This size correspon to the same criticvalue a .05% upper-tailetest, whiis 3.29. 是问H0: u =u0; 备择假设u u0的假设检验的关键值吗还是H0: u =u0; 备择假设u u0的呢

2024-05-04 19:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010304000048 问题如下 Using the Excel function NORM.S.ST or a normprob-ability table, whare the criticvalues when testing the null hypothesis, H0:μ=μ0H_0: \mu = \mu_0H0​:μ=μ0​, against a one-silower alternative using a size of 10%? a one-siupper alternative using a size of 20%? a two-sialternative using a size of 2%? a two-sialternative using a size of .1%? The lower-tailecriticvalue is -1.28. The one-siupper-criticvalue is 0.84. A two-sialternative with a size of 2% uses the same criticvalue a one-siupper test, whiis 2.32. Eatail hprobability 1% when using the criticvalue. This size correspon to the same criticvalue a .05% upper-tailetest, whiis 3.29. 老师好,我对于这个双尾和单尾还是有一点模糊。单尾累计10%,如果画出正态分布,那中间的区域去掉头尾不是因该是80%,然后查表是按照80%吗?然后双尾累计2%,不应该是两边各是1%,中间区域按照98%来查表么?请问应该怎么理解才对呢?

2024-03-04 10:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010304000048 问题如下 Using the Excel function NORM.S.ST or a normprob-ability table, whare the criticvalues when testing the null hypothesis, H0:μ=μ0H_0: \mu = \mu_0H0​:μ=μ0​, against a one-silower alternative using a size of 10%? a one-siupper alternative using a size of 20%? a two-sialternative using a size of 2%? a two-sialternative using a size of .1%? The lower-tailecriticvalue is -1.28. The one-siupper-criticvalue is 0.84. A two-sialternative with a size of 2% uses the same criticvalue a one-siupper test, whiis 2.32. Eatail hprobability 1% when using the criticvalue. This size correspon to the same criticvalue a .05% upper-tailetest, whiis 3.29. 另外,1、既然是正态分布,假设检验为不等号,那不就是双尾吗,为什么会存在单尾,单尾upper和lower是什么意思呢?2、criticvalue和significant level是什么联系?解题思路可以详细说明一下吗?

2024-02-03 18:12 1 · 回答


2021-08-01 11:27 1 · 回答