7 Based on Exhibit 1, which government policy has been most effective in helping Genovia achieve its second initiative?
A.Tax on fossil fuels
B.Subsidy on hydropower
C.Subsidy on other renewables
C is correct. At the end of Year 2, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for each sector is calculated as follows: (Year 2/Year 0)0.5 – 1
Fossil fuels = (426/462)0.5 – 1 = –4% Hydropower = (273/186)0.5 – 1 = 21% Other renewables = (154/97)0.5 – 1 = 26%.
The CAGR indicates that the 26% increase in production from the subsidy on other renewables has been more effective than the 4% decrease in production from the tax on fossil fuels or the 21% increase in production from the subsidy on hydropower. Thus, the subsidy on other renewables of 26% is the highest, indicating that this policy has been the most effective in helping Genovia achieve its second initiative.
考点:Regulatory Tools
Fossil fuels = (426/462)0.5– 1 = –4%
Hydropower = (273/186)0.5– 1 = 21%
Other renewables = (154/97)0.5 – 1 = 26%.
No.PZ2018091706000055 (选择题)来源: 品职出题
Recently Analyst Bob is studying regulatory environment in a country. 4 years ago, the country advocates environment-friendly power generation. So the government increases taxes on coal fuel and provides subsidies on solar power and wind power generation. Bob finds some changes in electricity generation production as following table shows.

According to the table, which government policy is most effective?
