请问是不是有upfront premium就算Gain?
NO.PZ201701230200000605 问题如下 5. If em Aisors enters into a new offsetting contratwo months after purchasing protection on KanCorporation, this action will most likely result in: A.a loss on the C position. B.a profit on the C position. C.neither a loss or a profit on the C position. B is correct. em Aisors purchaseprotection antherefore is economically short anbenefits from increase in the company’s sprea Sinputting on the protection, the cret spreincrease200 bps, anem Aisors realizes the profit entering into a new, offsetting contra(sells protection to another party a higher premium).A is incorrebecause a crease (not increase) in the sprewoulresult in a loss for the cret protection buyer. C is incorrebecause em Aisors, the cret protection buyer, woulprofit from increase in the company’s cret sprea not breeven. 开始利差是2.75,现在是2.5,C protection buyer 肯定是遭受损失了,这个我理解,我就是没看出来他哪里是put?是因为这个offset吗?
"一开始我们买保险,支付一个保费。现在要进入一个反向对冲合约来平仓,那就是卖保险,从而可以获得一个保费。但是现在获得的保费比原来支付的保费多200bp,因为现在sprea升了,保费更贵了。所以我们在平仓的时候可以净赚200bp。这200bp就是gain。" 以上部分我完全理解,但我不理解的是合约平仓后怎么继续 hee current portfolio position的cret risk?上课的时候就有这个疑问,平仓后是否不再继续持有之前被保险的债券吗?
请问这道题的gain指的是什么?是指把之前的C以比成本价更高的价格卖掉而赚取的差价(如果是这种情况,那又买了新的C,不应该是不赚不亏么),还是说C本身价格不变,但是因为cret sprea升,导致buyer获得的潜在赔付更多了?
这个C position就是指protection buyer吗?就是转有的名词吗?