How are the mean and variance of a mixture of normal random variables related to the mean and variance of the components of the mixture?
The mean is the weighted average of the means of the components. The variance is more complicated. The second non-central moment, of the mixture is the weighted average of the second non-central moments of the components. The variance is then , which depends the first and second moments of the mixture.
老师 我先想确认一下mixture distribution的定义里是不是有要求weight必须是random variable而非常数?如果是的话,那题干中mixture of normal distribution和linear combination of normal distribution不是就不一样了吗,这个时候expectation还能直接根据weight这个random variable的每种取值对应的概率直接加权平均吗,weight已经不是常数了,那答案中说的期望是加权平均具体是怎么算的呢。或者说老师能否举一个有3个component distribution的 mixture的例子呢,这个时候W就不能是Bernoulli而是其他分布了,那求期望的时候不是要按定义计算,一定能够推导到加权平均的形式吗?我不要太理解为什么答案中关于期望和方差的部分是成立的,感觉题干问得是一种比较general的情况。谢谢老师!