Fabian, CFA, work on the Equity investment company. Golden Elementary school paid ¥360 million to purchase 50 percent Frost Early Education Center on 31 December 2018. The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of Frost’s net assets was attributable to previously unrecorded licenses. These licenses were estimated to have an economic life of five years. The fair value of Frost’s assets and liabilities other than licenses was equal to their recorded book value.
Golden and Frost’s condensed income statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, and Balance Sheet are presented the following table:
If both companies' 2019 financial results are the same as those in 2018, Golden's total asset turnover based on begining assets for 2019 most likely will be lowest under:
A.the equity method
B.consolidation with full goodwill
C.consolidation with partial goodwill
A is correct.
解析:Total asset turnover = Net sales/Beginning total assets
【equity method】是one-line consolidation和share results,只在资产中记一项investment in associate,NI中加入被投资公司归属于投资公司的NI。equity method不合并被投资公司的资产、负债及损益表其他科目。
因此equity method下net sales和beginning total assets都只是母公司自己的sales和和自己的assets。Total asset turnover =880/1980=0.45
【consolidation method】要合并被投资公司100%的资产和负债。合并的时候,要先从母公司资产中消除Investment in associate一项(相当于是把这一项展开),然后加上100%子公司的total assets(包括未记账的licenses)。
合并的Total Assets = 1980-360+1050+155=2825
合并的net sales=母公司的net sales+100%子公司的net sales=880+460=1340。
Total asset turnover = 1340/2825 = 0.47
【综上】在equity method下,total asset turnover 更低。
【知识点提示】对于consolidation method下asset的计算特别说明一下:
- -360的原因:
- +155的原因:
1. 子公司有一个未记账的资产,而在合并报表中,这项资产应该计入资产负债表。它的价值是并购对价超过子公司净资产 fair value的部分。
相当于是Golden公司花360买了Frost公司一半的identifiable assets(包括已入账的也包括未入账的)。如果要买全部的identifiable assets则要花720:其中565是为了买已入账的identifiable assets,剩下的155根据题目信息,都是为了买这个unrecorded license。
2. 该项投资不产生goodwill,因为goodwill的定义是并购对价超过子公司net identifiable asset的部分,这个net identifiable asset既包含入账的资产,也包含之前没有记账但合并时应该记账的资产。因此本题并购的对价等于所购买的子公司的net identifiable asset,即没有goodwill。