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moon · 2021年11月29日


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A strategy that would most likely allow Payne to achieve both her primary and secondary objectives would be to:


A.contribute the property to a donor-advised fund. B.obtain a fixed-rate mortgage against the property. C.engage in a sale and leaseback transaction involving the property.


B is correct. Mortgage financing is a real estate monetization strategy that investors can use to reduce the concentration of a particular property and generate liquidity to diversify asset portfolios without triggering a taxable event or giving up sole ownership. Payne could monetize the property by obtaining a mortgage loan against the property, and the loan proceeds could then be reinvested in a diversified portfolio of securities.

A is incorrect because in a donor-advised fund transaction, the property owner contributes the property to a donor-advised fund in exchange for a charitable contribution deduction. While this transaction would allow Payne to monetize the property with no tax liability, she would give up sole ownership of the property, and her primary objective includes maintaining sole ownership.

C is incorrect because a sale and leaseback is a transaction in which the owner of a property sells the property to a new buyer and then immediately leases it back from the same buyer. The sale of the property would result in Payne having to pay significant capital gains taxes (her cost basis is close to zero) and no longer having sole ownership of the property. Therefore, a sale and leaseback transaction would not achieve Payne’s objectives.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年11月30日

选项A:如果Payne,将财产捐赠给基金,以换取慈善捐款扣除额。 虽然这笔交易将允许Payne在没有纳税义务的情况下将财产货币化,但她将放弃对该财产的唯一所有权,她的主要目标包括maintain the ownvership。所以错误

选项B:mortgage就是那房产做抵押去获得现金流,投资者可以使用它来降低特定财产的集中度并产生流动性,从而使资产组合多样化,而不会引发应税事件或放弃独家所有权。 Payne 可以通过针对该房产获得抵押贷款来将该房产货币化,然后可以将贷款收益再投资于多元化的证券投资组合。所以B可以。

选项C:售后回租是一种交易,其中财产的所有者将财产出售给新买家,然后立即从同一买家那里租回。 出售财产将导致Payne支付大量的capital gain tax(因为她的成本基础接近于零)并且不再拥有该财产的唯一所有权。 因此,sale and lease back不满足Payne的目标。

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