Which of the following is an example of agency costs? In each case, management is advocating a substantial acquisition, and management compensation is
comprised heavily of stock options.
A. Management believes the acquisition will be positive for shareholder value
but negative for the value and interests of the company’s debtholders.
B. Management’s stock options are worthless at the current share price. The
acquisition has a high (50%) risk of failure (with zero value) but substantial
(30%) upside if it works out.
C. The acquisition is positive for equityholders and does not significantly
impair the position of debtholders. However, the acquisition puts the company into a new business where labor practices are harsh and the production process is environmentally damaging.
B is correct. Management is advocating an acquisition that is likely to be positive for the value of the company’s options but negative for equityholders given
the substantial risk. A is an example of the debt–equity conflict. C is an example
of stakeholder interests that are not being considered by management.