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ladycoco想放假 · 2018年02月24日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012102000138 [ CFA I ]



这道题里说的 DTA会在这家公司的资产负债表里找到,但是taxable income不是税务局的reporting才会有的表达吗?这里是不是要用pretax income来表示才比较准确?






1 个答案

竹子 · 2018年02月25日

问的是在资产负债表中可以找到DTA还是DTL,并没有说在财务报表中可以找到taxable income啊,这并没有矛盾。

公司过去的损失可以在未来抵扣taxable income,这是tax loss carryforward的定义,正是因为它的产生,才有可能在未来造成pretax income和taxable income不同

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NO.PZ2016012102000138 问题如下 Abel Corp. is a newly founhealth care company. It proces a negative taxable income ring the operation in first year. Assume its trate is 35%, anthe taxable income is -£23,000. Whiof the following items cfounin Abel's balansheet? A.A ferretasset of £8,050. B.A ferretasset of £23,000. C.A ferretliability of £8,050. AThe negative taxable income is calletloss carryforwar, whiis a typiccause of ferretassets. Thus A=£23,000*35%=£8,050考点累计亏损确认的递延所得税资产上一年taxable income = - 23k, 发生亏损,确认递延所得税资产。A = 23 k * 35% = 8050 目前taxable income 是负的,就代表当前交税少,那不是未来就交得多。应该是L呀

2023-12-28 21:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000138 问题如下 Abel Corp. is a newly founhealth care company. It proces a negative taxable income ring the operation in first year. Assume its trate is 35%, anthe taxable income is -£23,000. Whiof the following items cfounin Abel's balansheet? A.A ferretasset of £8,050. B.A ferretasset of £23,000. C.A ferretliability of £8,050. AThe negative taxable income is calletloss carryforwar, whiis a typiccause of ferretassets. Thus A=£23,000*35%=£8,050考点累计亏损确认的递延所得税资产上一年taxable income = - 23k, 发生亏损,确认递延所得税资产。A = 23 k * 35% = 8050 我选的B,我以为是所有的亏损都可以用作未来抵税,那不应该是23000吗?有点糊涂。是说23000全部在应税所得上可以抵税,但是形成的A是要乘以税率?就是相当于可以少交23000*税率的这些税?麻烦具体下

2023-09-25 15:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000138 问题如下 Abel Corp. is a newly founhealth care company. It proces a negative taxable income ring the operation in first year. Assume its trate is 35%, anthe taxable income is -£23,000. Whiof the following items cfounin Abel's balansheet? A.A ferretasset of £8,050. B.A ferretasset of £23,000. C.A ferretliability of £8,050. AThe negative taxable income is calletloss carryforwar, whiis a typiccause of ferretassets. Thus A=£23,000*35%=£8,050考点累计亏损确认的递延所得税资产上一年taxable income = - 23k, 发生亏损,确认递延所得税资产。A = 23 k * 35% = 8050 除了这个Tloss carry forwar外,其他l和a都不会在B/S上体现对吧?

2023-05-04 11:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000138 请翻译一下题目,没看懂里面有“tloss carry forwar的意思。

2021-04-17 18:25 1 · 回答

请问应当如何用资产负债表观来理解?在B/S上记得是gross carry loss吗?那在treport上面怎么记?

2020-02-25 15:02 1 · 回答