Consider a bank that wants to have an amount of capital so that it can absorb unexpected losses corresponding to a firmwide VAR at the 1 % level. It measures firmwide VAR by adding up the VARs for market risk, operational risk, and credit risk. There is a risk that the bank has too little capital because
A. It does not take into account the
correlations among risks.
B. It ignores risks that are not market,
operational, or credit risks.
C. It mistakenly uses VAR to measure
operational risk because operational risks that matter are rare events.
D. It is meaningless to add VARs.
B is correct. VAR can be added across different types of risk, but this will provide a conservative estimate of capital as diversification effects are ignored. So answer a. would be for too much capital. Answer c. is not correct because rare events can be factored into operational VAR. Most likely, the bank may have too little capital for other types of risk than those measured by these three categories.