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小小悟空yu · 2021年11月10日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018122701000044 [ FRM II ]









1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年11月10日


不过一般来说还是可以算diversified var的。

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NO.PZ2018122701000044 问题如下 Unr these assumptions - in particular: a flat yielcurve anconstant yielvolatility of 1.0% - why cwe expecash flow mapping to proa lower versifieVtheither ration anprincipal mapping? The risk measures are non-linear. e to imperfecorrelations between pairwise risk factors. Fewer totcash flows will mappe We cannot expea lower versifieVaR. B is correct. 考点 : Mapping to FixeIncome Portfolios 解析 : The versifieVis lower e to two factors. First, risk measures are not perfectly linewith maturity. Secon correlations are below unity, whireces risk even further. 如题

2024-03-05 03:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000044问题如下 Unr these assumptions - in particular: a flat yielcurve anconstant yielvolatility of 1.0% - why cwe expecash flow mapping to proa lower versifieVtheither ration anprincipal mapping? The risk measures are non-linear. e to imperfecorrelations between pairwise risk factors. Fewer totcash flows will mappe We cannot expea lower versifieVaR. B is correct. 考点 : Mapping to FixeIncome Portfolios 解析 : The versifieVis lower e to two factors. First, risk measures are not perfectly linewith maturity. Secon correlations are below unity, whireces risk even further. 老师好,请问这个b说的是后面会提到的component risk吗?然后还想问一下课堂上说的convexity是指三种mapping都会遇到的还是就第二种ration mapping跟麦考利久期有关才是呈现凸性呢?谢谢!

2023-07-05 10:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000044 问题如下 Unr these assumptions - in particular: a flat yielcurve anconstant yielvolatility of 1.0% - why cwe expecash flow mapping to proa lower versifieVtheither ration anprincipal mapping? The risk measures are non-linear. e to imperfecorrelations between pairwise risk factors. Fewer totcash flows will mappe We cannot expea lower versifieVaR. B is correct. 考点 : Mapping to FixeIncome Portfolios 解析 : The versifieVis lower e to two factors. First, risk measures are not perfectly linewith maturity. Secon correlations are below unity, whireces risk even further. versifieV是指什么?是不是只有Mapping 才有versifieVaR, 因为只有Mapping考虑multiple risk factors?

2022-09-07 11:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000044 e to imperfecorrelations between pairwise risk factors. Fewer totcash flows will mappe We cannot expea lower versifieVaR. B is correct. 考点 Mapping to FixeIncome Portfolios 解析 The versifieVis lower e to two factors. First, risk measures are not perfectly linewith maturity. Secon correlations are below unity, whireces risk even further. mapping 难道不是一定大于本金mapping的吗 为什么会小 题干对sigma的描述说明了什么

2022-03-15 09:01 1 · 回答


2022-03-03 22:03 3 · 回答