二三六七七九九 · 2021年11月06日
Surplus optimization demonstrates the importance of the hedging asset for risk-averse investors and provides choices for investors who are less risk averse in the asset mixes located on the middle and the right-hand side of the efficient frontier. 还有这句,啥意思?
pzqa015 · 2021年11月06日
match the sharp ratio of the tangency portfolio。
这句话的意思就是说,用risk budget理论得到的最优组合与MVO最优组合是一样的。
risk budget的条件是excess return of i /MCTRi=excess return of j/MCTRj,此时,portfolio达到最优状态。
MVO理论最优组合是risk free asset与global risky asset的连接线与无差异曲线的切点,切点sharp ratio最大。
所以,在risk budget得到最优组合应该对应MVO方法的切点组合。
Surplus optimization demonstrates the importance of the hedging asset for risk-averse investors and provides choices for investors who are less risk averse in the asset mixes located on the middle and the right-hand side of the efficient frontier
这句话的言外之意是:surplus optimization方法对于risk averse投资者配置资产时适用,解决了hedge liab的问题,对risk neutral甚至risk seeking的投资者配置资产时也适用,后两类投资者专注于在有效前沿的中测偏右侧配置资产(有效前沿约往右,风险越大)