Statement 1: Poison put is a defense mechanism that allows bondholders to put the bonds to the target.
Statement 2: Poison pill is a defense mechanism that allows bondholders of the target company to buy its shares at a discount.
Which of statements is incorrect?
A.Statement 1.
B.Statement 2.
B is correct.
考点:Takeover Defense Mechanisms
解析:毒丸计划指目标公司原股东有权以折扣价购买目标公司发行的新股,从而稀释收购方股权比例。Statement 2的表述有误,毒丸计划是给原股东的权利而不是给债券持有人的权利。
老师好 这题statement 2里面即使改为shareholder,也不对是吗? 因为poison pill 还分 filp in pill and flip over pill, 购买target 不同:flip over 是让target firm 's SHs 可以 以discount 去买 Acquirer firm' stock; flip in 是让target firm 's SHs 可以 以discount 去买target firm 自己的股票 。 这statement 里只说是poison pill, 不是很明确,是吗? 谢谢。