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AL · 2021年11月02日

Passive & active 

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The Mackenzie Education Foundation funds educational projects in a four-state region of the United States. Because of the investment portfolio’s poor benchmark-relative returns, the foundation’s board of directors hired a consultant, Stacy McMahon, to analyze performance and provide recommendations.

McMahon meets with Autumn Laubach, the foundation’s executive director, to review the existing asset allocation strategy. Laubach believes the portfolio’s underperformance is attributable to the equity holdings, which are allocated 55% to a US large-capitalization index fund, 30% to an actively managed US small-cap fund, and 15% to an actively managed developed international fund.

Laubach states that that the board is interested in following a passive approach for some or all of the equity allocation. In addition, the board is open to approaches that could generate returns in excess of the benchmark for part of the equity allocation. McMahon suggests that the board consider following a passive factor-based momentum strategy for the allocation to international stocks.

McMahon observes that the benchmark used for the US large-cap equity component is a price-weighted index containing 150 stocks. The benchmark’s Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) is 0.0286.

McMahon performs a sector attribution analysis based on Exhibit 1 to explain the large-cap portfolio’s underperformance relative to the benchmark.

The board decides to consider adding a mid-cap manager. McMahon presents candidates for the mid-cap portfolio. Exhibit 2 provides fees and cash holdings for three portfolios and an index fund.

The international strategy suggested by McMahon is most likely characterized as:



risk based.


return oriented.


diversification oriented.


B is correct. McMahon suggests that the foundation follow a passive factor-based momentum strategy, which is generally defined by the amount of a stock’s excess price return relative to the market during a specified period. Factor-based momentum strategies are classified as return oriented.

Passive factor based 和active factor based 的分別是什麼呢? 就是像 和 不像 index 的分別嗎  像就passive? 謝謝
2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年03月26日


动量因子是momentum factor吗



笛子_品职助教 · 2021年11月03日


Passive factor based 和active factor based 的分別是什麼呢?

passive factor指的是,人们发现有几个因子可以长期获得比broad market更高的收益。

那么在broad market的基础上,长期投资这几个因子的策略,就是passive factor based。

举个例子:标准普尔500指数是broad market,投资者发现,动量因子有效,因此投资者长期投资于标准普尔500指数中,动量效应最好的100只股票,这样的投资,就是Passive factor based。

active factor based指的是在passive factor based基础上,再引入择时等主动投资技巧。还是以上的例子,动量效应最好的100只股票,时而表现好,时而表现不好,投资者自主预测,动量因子什么时候表现好,什么时候表现不好,在表现好的时候加大投资,在表现不好的时候减少投资,这就是active。

就是像 和 不像 index 的分別嗎 像就passive? 謝謝


Passive factor based ,和broad market index是不像的,它和style index像。

比如,Passive factor based,长期投资于小盘股和价值股。那么它和作为broad market index的标准普尔500指数,是不像的,但是它会有标普小盘价值指数像,那么它也属于passive。



dada · 2022年03月26日

动量因子是momentum factor吗