Recently, Cindy issued a research report. In the report, she stated that, "based on the fact that the vast tourists visit the East Asian these years which leads the East Asian Hotel Department have grown rapidly, we expect the majority of the industry companies are able to have great profits depending on the revenue increases. We also be sure of this trend which will continue for the next five years." Did Cindy violate any Code and Standards?
A. No.
B. Yes, because she failed to properly distinguish the facts from opinions.
C. Yes, Because she failed to properly identify details.
A is correct.
According to V(B) Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients, which Cindy states was just her opinion and didn’t violate any Code and Standards. She was no need to report every detail about the possible investment.
请问题目中We also be sure of this trend which will continue for the next five years.算不算混淆预期和事实呀?