李宗_品职助教 · 2018年02月25日
对于B,何老师视频里特地提到啦,属于index, 讲义里也有:The two most commonly traded regions are North America and Europe. North American indexes are identified by the symbol CDX, and European, Asian, and Australian indexes are identified as iTraxx.
Within each geographic category are investment-grade and high-yield indexes. The former are identified as CDX IG and iTraxx Main, each comprising 125 entities. The latter are identified as CDX HY, consisting of 100 entities, and iTraxx Crossover, consisting of up to 50 high-yield entities.
lindahmc · 2018年02月25日
NO.PZ201712110200000507 问题如下 Baseon the three economic outlook statements, a profitable long/short tra woulto: A.sell protection using a CanaC IG anbuy protection using a US C IG. B.buy protection using iTraxx Crossover ansell protection using iTraxx Main. C.buy protection using electric cC ansell protection using a trationcC. B is correct.Baseon Outlook 1, ChanSmith anticipate thEurope’s economy will weaken. In orr to profit from this forecast, one woulbuy protection using a high-yielC inx (e.g., iTraxx Crossover) ansell protection using investment-gra C inx (e.g., iTraxx Main). long bon卖保险没有理解这个逻辑
NO.PZ201712110200000507 问题如下 Baseon the three economic outlook statements, a profitable long/short tra woulto: A.sell protection using a CanaC IG anbuy protection using a US C IG. B.buy protection using iTraxx Crossover ansell protection using iTraxx Main. C.buy protection using electric cC ansell protection using a trationcC. B is correct.Baseon Outlook 1, ChanSmith anticipate thEurope’s economy will weaken. In orr to profit from this forecast, one woulbuy protection using a high-yielC inx (e.g., iTraxx Crossover) ansell protection using investment-gra C inx (e.g., iTraxx Main). iTraxx Crossover iTraxx Main在题目中哪里提到了好债券还是差债券
NO.PZ201712110200000507 老师,没太理解这里的long short如何带来收益 A,按解析是错误的,那正确的应该是short CanaC, long US C. 我理解的是,Cana经济相对US更差,那CanaC的sprea该更大,那如果买C就需要pay更多的钱,相对卖US的C只能receive更少的钱。 这样的long/short如何带来收益呢?
NO.PZ201712110200000507 所以考试中c出现short和long 全都相应理解为short 为买保险,long为卖保险?