我想问的是分母应该是目标公司的market price,为什么是44不是60.3?
因为 44 是报纸上出现关于收购传闻的报道「之前」的股价;而 60.3 是收购传闻被报道「之后」的股价,包含了投机的影响,所以计算 takeover premium 的时,应该使用 44
原理,请参考原版书 P266 的附注 21: 分析师必须注意到任何交易前的价格跳跃,这可能是由于市场上的收购投机而发生的。在这些情况下,分析师在计算收购溢价时,应选用一个对股票价格产生任何投机影响之前的、有代表性的价格
"The analyst must be careful to note any pre-deal jump in the price that may have occurred because of takeover speculation in the market. In these cases, the analyst should apply the takeover premium to a selected representative price from before any speculative influences on the stock price."
也请参考:课后题第 12 题的 Comment 1: If there were a pre- announcement run- up in Quadrant’s price because of speculation, the takeover premium should be computed based on the price prior to the run- up.