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苏苏 · 2021年10月24日

Mac duration 和 Modified duration问题

这个题,虽然背固定收益的时候背的是MAC duration=投资期就免疫了。

老师上课也说mac duration影响price risk(近似影响),投资期影响reinvestment risk。

但为什么在出现modified duration时候,不是modified duration更加能够反映price risk呢?

modified duration是利率变动对价格的影响,比如这个题他的Modified duration略微小于投资期,为什么在利率提升的时候,价格的下降小于再投资的收益,因此最终YTM略微大于2%?


源_品职助教 · 大约 5 小时前




Assuming cash flows are received in full and on time, there are two main reasons why realized return may not equal the initial yield to maturity.

First, if the investment horizon is shorter than the amount of time until the bond’s maturity, any change in interest rate (i.e., the bond’s YTM) will generate a capital gain or loss at the horizon.

Second, the cash flows may be reinvested at rates above or below the initial YTM. The longer the horizon, the more sensitive the realized return will be to reinvestment rates.

These two issues work in opposite directions: Rising (falling) rates induce capital losses (gains) but increase (decrease) reinvestment income.

If the investment horizon equals the (Macaulay) duration of the bond or portfolio, the capital gain/loss and reinvestment effects will roughly offset, leaving the realized return close to the original YTM.

 This relationship is exact if (a) the yield curve is flat and (b) the change in rates occurs immediately in a single step.

In practice, the relationship is only an approximation. Nonetheless, it provides an important insight:

 Over horizons shorter than the duration, the capital gain/loss impact will tend to dominate such that rising (declining) rates imply lower (higher) return,

whereas over horizons longer than the duration, the reinvestment impact will tend to dominate such that rising (declining) rates imply higher (lower) return.




1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2021年10月24日


Modified虽然更反映出price risk,但是它已经与期限长短没关系了,所以它不能与investment horizon联系起来,mod D=mac D/(1+y),所以mac D即代表了投资期长短(现金流加权期限),又代表了price risk,所以,单笔现金流免疫我们只能用mac D,不能用mod D.

这道题你截图的信息没有负债的horizon,所以我判断不出来mac D与负债horizon的大小,但是一个基本的结论是:

Mac D=investment horizon,price risk与RI risk相互抵消。

Mac D>investment horizon,price risk大于RI risk,收益率曲线如果出现向上变动,则卖出债券的价格亏损(收益率上涨,久期导致债券价格下降)大于再投资收益增加(收益率曲线上涨,再投资收益增加),所以收益率曲线上涨对于持有债券来说是不利的,最终真正获得的收益低于期初的YTM

Mac D<investment horizon,则price risk小于RI risk,收益率曲线如果向上,则卖出债券的价格亏损小于再投资收益的增加,所以收益率曲线上涨对于持有债券来说是有利的,最终真正获得的收益高于期初的YTM。



苏苏 · 2021年10月24日

谢谢老师,这个题干里说未来3年,所以是用资产Duration和3比较。 我可能就是卡在期限这个问题上了,但是感觉我们在实际做固收的时候很少用到Mac D的概念。。。 anyway 谢谢老师解答!

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