Joe, CFA, works for the IPO of mid-sized Artificial Intelligence firms at ABC investment bank. BaBa Company is one of these firms which will go public soon. Joe distributed 10% of the shares of BaBa Company to senior management in his firm before it goes public. Regarding this action, which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. Joe complied with Standard VI(A) Disclosure of Conflicts.
B. Joe violated Standard V(B) Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients.
C. Joe violated Standard III(B) Fair Dealing.
C is correct.
According to Standard III (B) Fair Dealing, in this case of IPOs, Joe takes the advantage of his position to benefit his firm's senior management and disadvantges clients which violate this standard.
没明白ba公司和他正在工作的准备上市的ai公司有什么关系?为什么违反了fair dealing?