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二三六七七九九 · 2021年10月15日

选项三哪里体现不是same flexibility?



Followings are several observations about annuities, how many of them are correct?

I. With immediate fixed annuities, an individual trades a sum of money today for a promised income benefit for as long as he or she is alive.

II. The income yield for a life-only immediate annuity is lower for an older people than for a younger people.

III. Both deferred and immediate annuities provide the same flexibility concerning access to income benefit.



I only




All of them are correct


A is correct.


解析I. 第一个observation的说法是正确的

II. 对于life-only immediate annuity来说预期寿命越短年金income yield越高因此相比年轻人老年人的收益会更高

III. 延期年金是指保险合同成立生效后且被保险人到达一定年龄或经过一定时期后保险人在被保险人仍然生存的条件下开始给付年金的年金保险, 而即期年金是指在投保人缴纳所有保费且保险合同成立生效后保险人立即按期给付保险年金的年金保险

2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年10月21日

这题说的是income benefit,没说invested fund啊

抱歉,这题可能做过调整,我之前看到的句子是:Both deferred and immediate annuities provide the same flexibility concerning access to invested fund...

那么现在题目将句子改成Both deferred and immediate annuities provide the same flexibility concerning access to income benefit,其实更好理解。

immediate or deferred是指投保人交的保费是现在立即支付,or 慢慢支付。

而immediate annuity根据原版书的解释,也是支付完之后立即拿到年金的。对于deferred则是在和合约里将来规定的某个时间点开始拿。所以对于immediate annuity 和 defferred annuity来说,被保人所拿到的年金是有不同的灵活度。

郑毅Justin · 2022年01月02日


王暄_品职助教 · 2021年10月16日

这道题所说的投资灵活性,是指保险公司。因为提到了Invested fund,这个是保险公司决定的。由于immediate是投保人一次性给了一笔lump sum给保险公司,所以保险公司可以拿着前去投fund,所相对灵活。而deferred是投保人慢慢的分期去支付保费,所以相对来保险公司的灵活性就要低。

二三六七七九九 · 2021年10月21日

这题说的是income benefit,没说invested fund啊

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NO.PZ2018091705000076 问题如下 Followings are severobservations about annuities, how many of them are correct?I. With immeate fixeannuities, invitras a sum of money toy for a promiseincome benefit for long he or she is alive.II. The income yielfor a life-only immeate annuity is lower for olr people thfor a younger people.III. Both ferreanimmeate annuities provi the same flexibility concerning access to income benefit. A.I only B.I II C.All of them are corre A is correct. 考点Annuities解析I. 第一个observation的说法是正确的。II. 对于life-only immeate annuity来说,预期寿命越短,年金income yiel高。因此,相比年轻人,老年人的收益会更高。III. 延期年金是指保险合同成立生效后且被保险人到达一定年龄或经过一定时期后,保险人在被保险人仍然生存的条件下开始给付年金的年金保险, 而即期年金是指在投保人缴纳所有保费且保险合同成立生效后,保险人立即按期给付保险年金的年金保险。 如题,没明白income benefit的角度二者的灵活度区别,谁更灵活呢,谢谢您

2022-12-11 21:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000076问题如下Followings are severobservations about annuities, how many of them are correct?I. With immeate fixeannuities, invitras a sum of money toy for a promiseincome benefit for long he or she is alive.II. The income yielfor a life-only immeate annuity is lower for olr people thfor a younger people.III. Both ferreanimmeate annuities provi the same flexibility concerning access to income benefit. A.I only B.I II C.All of them are corre A is correct. 考点Annuities解析I. 第一个observation的说法是正确的。II. 对于life-only immeate annuity来说,预期寿命越短,年金income yiel高。因此,相比年轻人,老年人的收益会更高。III. 延期年金是指保险合同成立生效后且被保险人到达一定年龄或经过一定时期后,保险人在被保险人仍然生存的条件下开始给付年金的年金保险, 而即期年金是指在投保人缴纳所有保费且保险合同成立生效后,保险人立即按期给付保险年金的年金保险。对于life-only immeate annuity来说,预期寿命越短,年金income yiel高。请问怎么理解老年人的收益会更高?题目中的income yiel计算公式是什么呀?

2022-04-04 22:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000076 I&II All of them are corre A is correct. 考点Annuities 解析I. 第一个observation的说法是正确的。 II. 对于life-only immeate annuity来说,预期寿命越短,年金income yiel高。因此,相比年轻人,老年人的收益会更高。 III. 延期年金是指保险合同成立生效后且被保险人到达一定年龄或经过一定时期后,保险人在被保险人仍然生存的条件下开始给付年金的年金保险, 而即期年金是指在投保人缴纳所有保费且保险合同成立生效后,保险人立即按期给付保险年金的年金保险。这个2的income yiel么理解,是return吗 还是什么?再详细下

2021-11-12 17:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000076 整个保险这一章,只有两个地方提到了明确的flexibility 第一,univers比 whole life更有flexibility 第二,variable 比 fixe更有flexibility 哪个知识点提到了ferre比 immeate更有flexibility呢? 谢谢!

2021-10-28 11:56 5 · 回答