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一只可爱的猪 · 2021年09月21日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on the data in Exhibit 2, Singh would advise Tills that the call option with the largest gamma would have a strike price closest to:



$ 55.00.


$ 67.50.


$ 80.00.


B is correct.

The $67.50 call option is approximately at the money because the Walnut share price is currently $67.79. Gamma measures the sensitivity of an option’s delta to a change in the underlying. The largest gamma occurs when options are trading at the money or near expiration, when the deltas of such options move quickly toward 1.0 or 0.0. Under these conditions, the gammas tend to be largest and delta hedges are hardest to maintain.

当 option ATM时,gamma最大,所以需要找到当前stock与那个X最接近,因为其与当前市场价格最接近。



1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2021年09月22日



1.     当前股价这一信息在表格的第一行哈,股价是67.79.

2.     第二个问题哈,你的前面的额表述说从delta的角度,ATM的期权其gamma最大,这是理解正确的哈,也是这题的做题思路。按照这个思路,当前股价是67.79,因此执行价格越靠近这个67.79的期权就越是ATM的,因此就选择了B选项嘛,因为只有67.50是最接近67.79的。






2)delta前面的数字小于50,且越小越OTM;delta前面的数字大于50,且越大越ITM. 所以25-delta相比于35-delta更OTM。这种表述一般出现在具体题目中,用来告诉我们哪一个option更贵或更便宜,我们只要知道delta前面的数字越大就会越贵即可。



Xiaochong · 2024年04月01日

老师您好, 想请问 1. 这个题是不是题干里面 call delta 那一行的数字都无关,我当时做题就是看到那个price在55时 call delta 1 所以选的A 2. 这个55时 call delta 1 和 80 时delta最小在实际中到底是怎么理解的 谢谢

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NO.PZ201712110100000306 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, Singh woulaise Tills ththe call option with the largest gamma woulhave a strike priclosest to: A.$ 55.00. B.$ 67.50. C.$ 80.00. B is correct. The $67.50 call option is approximately the money because the Walnut share priis currently $67.79. Gamma measures the sensitivity of option’s lta to a change in the unrlying. The largest gamma occurs when options are trang the money or neexpiration, when the ltof suoptions move quickly towar1.0 or 0.0. Unr these contions, the gammtento largest anlta hees are harst to maintain. 中文解析本题考察的是gamma在ATM的时候最大这个知识点。根据表格2的表头信息可知,当前的股价是67.79.在三个中,只有B的67.50是最接近当前股价的,也就是最接近ATM的状态的,此时的gamma最大。 想和老师确认一下这四个字母的特征,以下总结对吗?GammaATM时候最大, 随着到期日,Gamma越来越大,到期日的Gamma 最大 Long 0, short 0 2.VegATM的option 最大。 随着到期日临近,Vega变的越来越小,到期日的Vega最小 Long 0, short 03.Theta随着到期日的临近,theta越来越大 Long 0, short 04.ltforwarfuture 的lta=1

2024-07-03 19:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201712110100000306 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, Singh woulaise Tills ththe call option with the largest gamma woulhave a strike priclosest to: A.$ 55.00. B.$ 67.50. C.$ 80.00. B is correct. The $67.50 call option is approximately the money because the Walnut share priis currently $67.79. Gamma measures the sensitivity of option’s lta to a change in the unrlying. The largest gamma occurs when options are trang the money or neexpiration, when the ltof suoptions move quickly towar1.0 or 0.0. Unr these contions, the gammtento largest anlta hees are harst to maintain. 中文解析本题考察的是gamma在ATM的时候最大这个知识点。根据表格2的表头信息可知,当前的股价是67.79.在三个中,只有B的67.50是最接近当前股价的,也就是最接近ATM的状态的,此时的gamma最大。 为什么A不对?这个地方的call lta怎么理解?

2024-05-08 17:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201712110100000306 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, Singh woulaise Tills ththe call option with the largest gamma woulhave a strike priclosest to: A.$ 55.00. B.$ 67.50. C.$ 80.00. B is correct. The $67.50 call option is approximately the money because the Walnut share priis currently $67.79. Gamma measures the sensitivity of option’s lta to a change in the unrlying. The largest gamma occurs when options are trang the money or neexpiration, when the ltof suoptions move quickly towar1.0 or 0.0. Unr these contions, the gammtento largest anlta hees are harst to maintain. 中文解析本题考察的是gamma在ATM的时候最大这个知识点。根据表格2的表头信息可知,当前的股价是67.79.在三个中,只有B的67.50是最接近当前股价的,也就是最接近ATM的状态的,此时的gamma最大。 老师请问现价67.79,那么67.59不是ITM吗?能否讲一下,并讲下如何区分ATM和ITM,谢谢!

2023-07-02 21:50 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201712110100000306 可以从lta的变动角度来看么?70块到80块lta变化最大,所以应该是70-80之间出现最大的gamma,但是这样出来的结果并不接近于现货价格

2021-09-17 10:11 1 · 回答