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玛卡巴卡 · 2021年09月18日


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Which risk measure does Fund 3’s new risk control explicitly constrain?









B is correct. Skewness measures the degree to which return expectations are non-normally distributed. If a distribution is positively skewed, the mean of the distribution is greater than its median—more than half of the deviations from the mean are negative and less than half are positive—and the average magnitude of positive deviations is larger than the average magnitude of negative deviations. Negative skew indicates that that the mean of the distribution lies below its median, and the average magnitude of negative deviations is larger than the average magnitude of positive deviations. Fund 3’s new risk control constrains its model’s predicted return distribution so that no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative. This is an explicit constraint on skewness.

Ap reads that Fund 3 implemented a new formal risk control for its forecasting model that constrains the predicted return distribution so that no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative.这句话是什么意思呢? formal risk是什么?这里说的偏离mean是指什么的mean呢?

2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2021年09月22日




笛子_品职助教 · 2021年09月20日



formal risk指的是用一些量化的指标去规定组合的风险,比如回撤不超过多少,偏度不超过多少,VAR不超过多少之类。




玛卡巴卡 · 2021年09月22日


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NO.PZ201809170400000508 问题如下 Whirisk measure es Fun3’s new risk control explicitly constrain? Volatility Skewness awwn B is correct. Skewness measures the gree to whireturn expectations are non-normally stribute If a stribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anless thhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations is larger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skew incates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, anthe average magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnitu of positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’s prectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations from the meare negative. This is explicit constraint on skewness. If a stribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anless thhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations is larger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skew incates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, anthe average magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnitu of positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’s prectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations from the meare negative. 老师好,一级知识全忘了,上面划线部分没读懂,我知道右偏的memean和mo,但其他理解不了,麻烦下,谢谢

2024-01-23 10:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000508 问题如下 Whirisk measure es Fun3’s new risk control explicitly constrain? Volatility Skewness awwn B is correct. Skewness measures the gree to whireturn expectations are non-normally stribute If a stribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anless thhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations is larger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skew incates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, anthe average magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnitu of positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’s prectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations from the meare negative. This is explicit constraint on skewness. 没读懂这句话是什么意思

2024-01-04 20:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000508 问题如下 Whirisk measure es Fun3’s new risk control explicitly constrain? Volatility Skewness awwn B is correct. Skewness measures the gree to whireturn expectations are non-normally stribute If a stribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anless thhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations is larger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skew incates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, anthe average magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnitu of positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’s prectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations from the meare negative. This is explicit constraint on skewness. skewness 是这章的考察点?

2022-11-10 21:38 1 · 回答

    请问awwn为什么不对,不是说no more th60% the viations from the meare negative?也就是最大回撤不超过60%

2019-06-06 00:25 2 · 回答