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王二狗 · 2021年09月18日

选的unchanged ,我知道incremental cost是资本化,但我以为是和cash进行了一个平衡,incremental 和履约成本都是对b/s的asset增加吗?



A company previously expensed the incremental costs of obtaining a contract. All else being equal, adopting the May 2014 IASB and FASB converged accounting standards on revenue recognition makes the company’s profitability initially appear:









C is correct.

Under the converged accounting standards, the incremental costs of obtaining a contract and certain costs incurred to fulfill a contract must be capitalized. If a company expensed these incremental costs in the years prior to adopting the converged standards, all else being equal, its profitability will appear higher under the converged standards.

选的unchanged ,我知道incremental cost是资本化,但我以为是和cash进行了一个平衡,incremental 和履约成本都是对b/s的asset增加吗?

1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年09月21日



这道题目的比较点是比较现在的会计准则(converged accounting standards)和之前的会计准则的对于这项交易的处理之间的差异。

converged accounting standards是将获得的合同的成本资本化,之前的准则是费用化,这两个相比较,现在的签约时刻的profitability是比以前高。


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NO.PZ2017102901000015 问题如下 A company previously expensethe incrementcosts of obtaining a contract. All else being equal, apting the M2014 IASB anFASB convergeaccounting stanr on revenue recognition makes the company’s profitability initially appear: A.lower. B.unchange C.higher. C is correct.Unr the convergeaccounting stanr, the incrementcosts of obtaining a contraancertain costs incurreto fulfill a contramust capitalize If a company expensethese incrementcosts in the years prior to apting the convergestanr, all else being equal, its profitability will appehigher unr the convergestanr. 问的是之前对比现在,之前的低,还是问的是对比现在的profit?

2023-07-26 18:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000015 问题如下 A company previously expensethe incrementcosts of obtaining a contract. All else being equal, apting the M2014 IASB anFASB convergeaccounting stanr on revenue recognition makes the company’s profitability initially appear: A.lower. B.unchange C.higher. C is correct.Unr the convergeaccounting stanr, the incrementcosts of obtaining a contraancertain costs incurreto fulfill a contramust capitalize If a company expensethese incrementcosts in the years prior to apting the convergestanr, all else being equal, its profitability will appehigher unr the convergestanr. 请问,这里说的是把增量记为了费用。不是说了记为资本profit才会增加吗?这里明确说了记为费用啊?

2023-01-08 07:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000015问题如下 A company previously expensethe incrementcosts of obtaining a contract. All else being equal, apting the M2014 IASB anFASB convergeaccounting stanr on revenue recognition makes the company’s profitability initially appear:A.lower.B.unchangeC.higher.C is correct.Unr the convergeaccounting stanr, the incrementcosts of obtaining a contraancertain costs incurreto fulfill a contramust capitalize If a company expensethese incrementcosts in the years prior to apting the convergestanr, all else being equal, its profitability will appehigher unr the convergestanr.请问老师,原题是哪里表述“需要和当下新准则做对比的”

2022-11-22 10:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000015 问题如下 A company previously expensethe incrementcosts of obtaining a contract. All else being equal, apting the M2014 IASB anFASB convergeaccounting stanr on revenue recognition makes the company’s profitability initially appear: A.lower. B.unchange C.higher. C is correct.Unr the convergeaccounting stanr, the incrementcosts of obtaining a contraancertain costs incurreto fulfill a contramust capitalize If a company expensethese incrementcosts in the years prior to apting the convergestanr, all else being equal, its profitability will appehigher unr the convergestanr. 请问这个题目对应的知识点在讲义哪里呢

2022-10-23 14:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000015问题如下A company previously expensethe incrementcosts of obtaining a contract. All else being equal, apting the M2014 IASB anFASB convergeaccounting stanr on revenue recognition makes the company’s profitability initially appear: A.lower. B.unchange C.higher. C is correct.Unr the convergeaccounting stanr, the incrementcosts of obtaining a contraancertain costs incurreto fulfill a contramust capitalize If a company expensethese incrementcosts in the years prior to apting the convergestanr, all else being equal, its profitability will appehigher unr the convergestanr.讲课的时候就不是很明白,老师说销售提成,这里可以举个例子吗?合同履行成本那个钓鱼的明白了。incrementcost可以举个例子方便理解吗?如果是销售提成的话,不太明白怎么就计入relatecost了,不是应该是计入SG A吗?

2022-03-31 22:10 1 · 回答