Which of the following statements aboutlarge dealer bank is NOT correct?
A. Large dealer banks haveeconomies of scope in information technology and innovation.
B. Forlarger dealer banks, the diseconomies of scope in risk management exists, as itis too difficult to comprehend or control some of the risk-taking activitiesinside their own firms.
C. Thesimilarity between a traditional bank run and a liquidity crisis at a dealerbank concerns the fear (perception) of solvency which leads participants to actto reduce their potential losses.
D. Like insured depositors at a commercialbank, many of those with exposures to dealer banks also have default insurance.
考点:对The Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks的理解
D选项描述错误,Dealer bank和Commercial bank的一大区别就是,Commercial bank存在deposit insurance,而对于Dealer bank绝大多数Exposure没有Insurance。
Unlike insured depositors at a commercial bank, many of those with exposures todealer banks have no default insurance, or do not wish to bear the frictionalcosts of involvement in the bank’s failure procedures even if they do haveinsurance