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seven-zhu · 2021年08月30日

No.PZ2020033003000078 (选择题)



Which of the following statements is correct?

I. The Japanese banks delivered yen (funded by yen) and achieved USD exposure by using swap, the Japanese yen experienced a significant appreciation against the USD, Japanese banks achieved considerable gain.

II. When the swap rate increases, the fixed-rate receivers experience a gain.

III. When the euro swap rate decreased, as fixed-rate receiver the counterparty risk exposure increased. The financial institutions in Italy had increased probabilities of default due to the poor economic conditions.



I only.

B.II only. C.

I and II.


I and III.


D is correct.

考点:Wrong-Way Risk Vs. Right-Way Risk

解析:swap rate上升时收固定方亏钱,II错。


2 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2021年10月28日



III里面,作为收取固定利息的一方理论上是赚钱的。当swap rate下降时,对手方(收取浮动利息)收益在下降,但还要支付给我们固定利息,因此对手方违约的可能性变大了。我们账面上的利润变大了,但是对手方违约的可能性提高了,所以counterpayty risk exposure变大了。



李坏_品职助教 · 2021年08月31日




III里面,欧元的swap rate下跌(可以理解为欧元贬值),对于收取固定利率的交易者来说,因为币值下跌,收取到的payoff也在贬值,所以风险敞口增加了。此时欧元区Italy的金融机构可能会因为经济情况差而有更高的违约风险。


Shell_eyyy · 2021年10月28日

I是说支付日元,收到美元吗? III里为什么swap rate下降,收固定方亏钱?但是II里是“swap rate上升时收固定方亏钱”

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NO.PZ2020033003000080 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correct? I. The Japanese banks livereyen (funyen) anachieveUSexposure using swap, the Japanese yen experiencea significant appreciation against the US Japanese banks achieveconsirable gain. II. When the swrate increases, the fixerate receivers experiena gain.III. When the euro swrate crease fixerate receiver the counterparty risk exposure increase The financiinstitutions in Italy hincreaseprobabilities of fault e to the poor economic contions. I only. B.II only. I anII. I anIII. is correct.考点Wrong-WRisk Vs. Right-WRisk解析swrate上升时收固定方亏钱,II错。 老师I表述当中日本银行通过互换合约支付日元收到美元,日元升值的时候,为什么会是gain呢?又没有说japbank是pfixe一方

2023-07-19 20:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033003000080 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correct? I. The Japanese banks livereyen (funyen) anachieveUSexposure using swap, the Japanese yen experiencea significant appreciation against the US Japanese banks achieveconsirable gain. II. When the swrate increases, the fixerate receivers experiena gain.III. When the euro swrate crease fixerate receiver the counterparty risk exposure increase The financiinstitutions in Italy hincreaseprobabilities of fault e to the poor economic contions. I only. B.II only. I anII. I anIII. is correct.考点Wrong-WRisk Vs. Right-WRisk解析swrate上升时收固定方亏钱,II错。 interest rate swap和currenswap好像混在一起,应该怎么理解?

2022-11-02 14:13 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033003000080 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correct? I. The Japanese banks livereyen (funyen) anachieveUSexposure using swap, the Japanese yen experiencea significant appreciation against the US Japanese banks achieveconsirable gain. II. When the swrate increases, the fixerate receivers experiena gain.III. When the euro swrate crease fixerate receiver the counterparty risk exposure increase The financiinstitutions in Italy hincreaseprobabilities of fault e to the poor economic contions. I only. B.II only. I anII. I anIII. is correct.考点Wrong-WRisk Vs. Right-WRisk解析swrate上升时收固定方亏钱,II错。 I为什么对,日元升值,作为支付日元 的一方不应该亏损嘛?swap开始前,每期固定多少日元换固定多少美元不应该定好了吗?

2022-11-01 08:59 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033003000080 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correct? I. The Japanese banks livereyen (funyen) anachieveUSexposure using swap, the Japanese yen experiencea significant appreciation against the US Japanese banks achieveconsirable gain. II. When the swrate increases, the fixerate receivers experiena gain.III. When the euro swrate crease fixerate receiver the counterparty risk exposure increase The financiinstitutions in Italy hincreaseprobabilities of fault e to the poor economic contions. I only. B.II only. I anII. I anIII. is correct.考点Wrong-WRisk Vs. Right-WRisk解析swrate上升时收固定方亏钱,II错。 3里面的The financiinstitutions in Italy可以理解为是pfixe一方吗

2022-10-29 20:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033003000080问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correct? I. The Japanese banks livereyen (funyen) anachieveUSexposure using swap, the Japanese yen experiencea significant appreciation against the US Japanese banks achieveconsirable gain. II. When the swrate increases, the fixerate receivers experiena gain.III. When the euro swrate crease fixerate receiver the counterparty risk exposure increase The financiinstitutions in Italy hincreaseprobabilities of fault e to the poor economic contions. I only. B.II only.I anII. I anIII. is correct.考点Wrong-WRisk Vs. Right-WRisk解析swrate上升时收固定方亏钱,II错。 想问一下swrate是不是等同于fixerate,III所说的fixerate receiver收到的固定利率不应该是降低吗?怎么是上升的?

2022-10-06 19:56 2 · 回答