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Zunniyaki · 2021年08月29日

Laddared portfolio是不是structural risk最小的?



Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio C, Portfolio B:



has higher cash flow reinvestment risk.


is a more desirable portfolio for liquidity management.


provides less protection from yield curve shifts and twists


B is correct.

Portfolio B is a laddered portfolio with maturities spread more or less evenly over the yield curve. A desirable aspect of a laddered portfolio is liquidity management. Because there is always a bond close to redemption, the soon-to-mature bond can provide emergency liquidity needs. Barbell portfolios, such as Portfolio C, have maturities only at the short-term and long-term ends and thus are much less desirable for liquidity management.

老师,请问下在做immunization时用Laddared portfolio相比Bullet和Barbell Portfolio是不是structural risk最小的?因为我知道structural risk是非平行移动带来的不能match 零息债券的YTM的风险,所以才要minimize dispersion也就是最小化convexity,那么到底是Bullet的structural risk更小还是Laddared更小?另外,还想问一下这三种portfolio他们哪个reinvestment risk最小,能排序下么?问题有点儿长,谢谢!

2 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年02月05日



structural risk是免疫策略中的,选择convexity最小的原因是structural risk(免疫失败)风险最小。

另一个知识点是laddered portfolio会protect against yield curve shift and twist。

yield curve shift and twist是指收益率曲线的非平行移动,由于laddered portfolio现金流分散更均匀,所以不同时间点收益率变动不同带来的reinvestment risk更有可能相互抵消,所以,在面对收益率曲线非平行移动时,laddered portfolio可以提供更好的protectation,这是原版书的结论。


笛子_品职助教 · 2021年08月30日




如果是在Single Liability immunization中,那么其他条件相同的情况下,要选凸性最小的,也就是Bullet,Bullet的reinvestment risk和Price risk都最小,structural risk也最小。Laddared凸性居中,reinvestment risk和Price risk居中,structural risk也居中。Barbell的reinvestment risk和Price risk都最大,structural risk也最大。


Lich · 2023年02月04日

请问老师,yield curve non-parrallel,这时候用laddered,考虑的是流动性在投资和structual risk感觉有点矛盾呢

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NO.PZ2019103001000016问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio Portfolio A.hhigher cash flow reinvestment risk. B.is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. C.provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management.请问老师,portfolio B 对portfolio A 来说,是不是也是protection more from shift antwist?因为短中长的现金流平均分布在investment horizon中,provi more balanbetween RI risk anpririsk?

2022-03-20 11:50 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000016 讲义里说versification会带来Cash flow RI risk.

2022-03-10 10:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000016 is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management. Barbell的convexité比較大,不是可以帶來漲多跌少的好處嗎?c是不是也對呢?

2022-02-28 07:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000016 is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management. 为什么不能从凸性的涨多跌少来判断protection程度呢?从laer和barbell的现金流角度可以理解再投资risk和twist变化的受保护程度应该是laer更好,但barbell的凸性反而是更大,这个怎么理解呢?这块一直有点疑问,之前全靠记忆,为什么barbell的凸性比laer的高?

2021-10-10 17:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000016 is a more sirable portfolio for liquity management. provis less protection from yielcurve shifts antwists B is correct. Portfolio B is a laereportfolio with maturities spremore or less evenly over the yielcurve. A sirable aspeof a laereportfolio is liquity management. Because there is always a bonclose to remption, the soon-to-mature boncprovi emergenliquity nee. Barbell portfolios, suPortfolio have maturities only the short-term anlong-term en anthus are muless sirable for liquity management. 老师好‘请问C怎么理解呢

2021-09-24 07:42 2 · 回答