Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio C, Portfolio B:
A.has higher cash flow reinvestment risk.
is a more desirable portfolio for liquidity management.
provides less protection from yield curve shifts and twists
B is correct.
Portfolio B is a laddered portfolio with maturities spread more or less evenly over the yield curve. A desirable aspect of a laddered portfolio is liquidity management. Because there is always a bond close to redemption, the soon-to-mature bond can provide emergency liquidity needs. Barbell portfolios, such as Portfolio C, have maturities only at the short-term and long-term ends and thus are much less desirable for liquidity management.
老师,请问下在做immunization时用Laddared portfolio相比Bullet和Barbell Portfolio是不是structural risk最小的?因为我知道structural risk是非平行移动带来的不能match 零息债券的YTM的风险,所以才要minimize dispersion也就是最小化convexity,那么到底是Bullet的structural risk更小还是Laddared更小?另外,还想问一下这三种portfolio他们哪个reinvestment risk最小,能排序下么?问题有点儿长,谢谢!