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欢欢 · 2021年08月29日




Which of the following is likely to account for the decline in labor force participation and unemployment


A.The number of voluntarily unemployed fall. B.The number of underemployed workers rise. C.

The number of discouraged workers rise.


C is correct.

Statistics show that discouraged workers are not part of the workforce. As a result, an increase in discouraged workers would reduce the labor force and thus the labor force participation rate. So the ratio of the labor force to the total working age population increases. Moreover, a rise in discouraged workers would lower the unemployment rate, since discouraged workers are not counted in the official unemployment rate.


以及discouraged 和 voluntary unemployment之前的关系是什么?前者是指有能力而不想就业的人吗,感觉两个的意思都一样。

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年08月30日


同学你好,题干问的是劳动率和失业率下降。对于discouraged worker 是不在我们统计的失业率的数据中的,失业率是一个小于1的数字,discouraged worker的增加会使得分子分母同时减少,最后导致分数下降。譬如 3/4 是大于2/3的

原版书对于discouraged worker 的定义如下: A person who has stopped looking for a job. Perhaps because of a weak economy, the discouraged worker has given up seeking employment. 停止找工作的人。也许是因为经济疲软,这个灰心丧气的工人已经放弃了找工作。

 Voluntarily unemployed: person voluntarily outside the labor force, such as a jobless worker refusing an available vacancy for which the wage is lower than their threshold or those who retired early.自愿离开劳动大军的人,如失业工人拒绝工资低于其门槛的空缺或提前退休的空缺。


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NO.PZ2021071301000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is likely to account for the cline in labor forparticipation anunemployment A.The number of voluntarily unemploye fall. B.The number of unremployeworkers rise. C.The number of scourageworkers rise. C is correct. Statistishow thscourageworkers are not part of the workforce. a result, increase in scourageworkers woulrethe labor foranthus the labor forparticipation rate. So the ratio of the labor forto the totworking age population increases. Moreover, a rise in scourageworkers woullower the unemployment rate, sinscourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 而且c和a不是一样的吗,不想找工作和自愿不参与工作都是不归类于unemployment的嘛不是

2023-07-07 05:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071301000018 问题如下 Whiof the following is likely to account for the cline in labor forparticipation anunemployment A.The number of voluntarily unemploye fall. B.The number of unremployeworkers rise. C.The number of scourageworkers rise. C is correct. Statistishow thscourageworkers are not part of the workforce. a result, increase in scourageworkers woulrethe labor foranthus the labor forparticipation rate. So the ratio of the labor forto the totworking age population increases. Moreover, a rise in scourageworkers woullower the unemployment rate, sinscourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 请问c都不属于labor force了为什么还会影响失业率?

2023-07-07 05:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071301000018问题如下 Whiof the following is likely to account for the cline in labor forparticipation anunemployment A.The number of voluntarily unemploye fall.B.The number of unremployeworkers rise.C.The number of scourageworkers rise. C is correct. Statistishow thscourageworkers are not part of the workforce. a result, increase in scourageworkers woulrethe labor foranthus the labor forparticipation rate. So the ratio of the labor forto the totworking age population increases. Moreover, a rise in scourageworkers woullower the unemployment rate, sinscourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 请问为什么不选B呢?

2023-02-03 13:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071301000018 The number of voluntarily unemployefall 这个代表的是自愿不工作的人下降,也就是自愿工作的人上升,所以labor force会上升对吗?谢谢

2022-03-07 12:43 1 · 回答