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wuzx · 2021年08月28日




ADF tests are conducted on the log of the ten-year US government bond interest rate using data from 1988 until the end of 2017. The results of the ADF with different configurations of the deterministic terms are reported in the table below. The final three columns report the number of lags included in the test as selected using the AIC and the 5% and 1% critical values that are appropriate for the sample size and included deterministic terms. Do interest rates contain a unit root?


The first step is to select the appropriate model to use. For these, the statistical significance of the parameters for the constant and trend must be taken into account.

For the trend model, both of these have t-stats with absolute values >4, well within the bounds of statistical significance at even the 99% level. Accordingly, the proper model to study is the last one. For this model, the t-stat on gamma is to the left of the 1% CV—therefore, the null hypothesis of having a unit root is rejected at the 99% confidence level. Note that if the proper model were either the constant or no-trend then the null hypothesis would not be rejected.

1 个答案

DD仔_品职助教 · 2021年08月29日




这个题目考的就是根据stat和critical value的大小,来判断是否拒绝原假设。

我们都把想要拒绝的当做原假设,我们不想要看到unit root,所以原假设H0:存在unit root.


第一个模型none,只有γ一个自变量,括号里的数字代表计算出来的t-stat=-1.666,而在5%和1%significant level下,critical value=-1.942和-2.572,那么计算出来的t-stat落入接受域,接受原假设这个模型存在unit root;

第二个模型constant有γ,δ0两个自变量,同理,两个自变量系数的t-stat也都落入接受域,第二个模型也存在unit root;

第三个模型trend有三个自变量γ,δ0,δ1,这三个自变量系数的stat(图表括号里的数字)均大于CV(critical value),落入拒绝域,拒绝原假设,代表这个模型没有unit root,模型是有效的,选择第三个模型。


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NO.PZ2020011101000027 问题如下 A tests are concteon the log of the ten-yeUS government boninterest rate using ta from 1988 until the enof 2017. The results of the A with fferent configurations of the terministic terms are reportein the table below. The finthree columns report the number of lags incluin the test selecteusing the AIC anthe 5% an1% criticvalues thare appropriate for the sample size anincluterministic terms. interest rates contain a unit root? The first step is to selethe appropriate mol to use. For these, the statisticsignificanof the parameters for the constant antrenmust taken into account.For the trenmol, both of these have t-stats with absolute values 4, well within the boun of statisticsignificaneven the 99% level. Accorngly, the proper mol to stu is the last one. For this mol, the t-ston gamma is to the left of the 1% CV—therefore, the null hypothesis of having a unit root is rejectethe 99% confinlevel. Note thif the proper mol were either the constant or no-trenthen the null hypothesis woulnot rejecte 老师,我不是很明白为什么要选择第三个模型?能再帮忙一下吗,谢谢,盼复!

2024-09-18 15:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000027 问题如下 A tests are concteon the log of the ten-yeUS government boninterest rate using ta from 1988 until the enof 2017. The results of the A with fferent configurations of the terministic terms are reportein the table below. The finthree columns report the number of lags incluin the test selecteusing the AIC anthe 5% an1% criticvalues thare appropriate for the sample size anincluterministic terms. interest rates contain a unit root? The first step is to selethe appropriate mol to use. For these, the statisticsignificanof the parameters for the constant antrenmust taken into account.For the trenmol, both of these have t-stats with absolute values 4, well within the boun of statisticsignificaneven the 99% level. Accorngly, the proper mol to stu is the last one. For this mol, the t-ston gamma is to the left of the 1% CV—therefore, the null hypothesis of having a unit root is rejectethe 99% confinlevel. Note thif the proper mol were either the constant or no-trenthen the null hypothesis woulnot rejecte 看完答案倒是能理解了,问题是在看答案前,不是太容易看出来自变量两行数上面是估计系数,下面是CV,题目没明确说啊。。

2024-06-04 10:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000027问题如下A tests are concteon the log of the ten-yeUS government boninterest rate using ta from 1988 until the enof 2017. The results of the A with fferent configurations of the terministic terms are reportein the table below. The finthree columns report the number of lags incluin the test selecteusing the AIC anthe 5% an1% criticvalues thare appropriate for the sample size anincluterministic terms. interest rates contain a unit root? The first step is to selethe appropriate mol to use. For these, the statisticsignificanof the parameters for the constant antrenmust taken into account.For the trenmol, both of these have t-stats with absolute values 4, well within the boun of statisticsignificaneven the 99% level. Accorngly, the proper mol to stu is the last one. For this mol, the t-ston gamma is to the left of the 1% CV—therefore, the null hypothesis of having a unit root is rejectethe 99% confinlevel. Note thif the proper mol were either the constant or no-trenthen the null hypothesis woulnot rejecte这题想问的是什么,问题是问有没有单位根,答案落在模型选择上是为什么。constant antren和none跟利率是什么关系,跟单位跟什么关系?

2023-05-20 22:29 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000027 问题如下 A tests are concteon the log of the ten-yeUS government boninterest rate using ta from 1988 until the enof 2017. The results of the A with fferent configurations of the terministic terms are reportein the table below. The finthree columns report the number of lags incluin the test selecteusing the AIC anthe 5% an1% criticvalues thare appropriate for the sample size anincluterministic terms. interest rates contain a unit root? The first step is to selethe appropriate mol to use. For these, the statisticsignificanof the parameters for the constant antrenmust taken into account.For the trenmol, both of these have t-stats with absolute values 4, well within the boun of statisticsignificaneven the 99% level. Accorngly, the proper mol to stu is the last one. For this mol, the t-ston gamma is to the left of the 1% CV—therefore, the null hypothesis of having a unit root is rejectethe 99% confinlevel. Note thif the proper mol were either the constant or no-trenthen the null hypothesis woulnot rejecte 请问为什么还要考虑另外两个自变量σ

2023-02-23 11:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000027 问题如下 A tests are concteon the log of the ten-yeUS government boninterest rate using ta from 1988 until the enof 2017. The results of the A with fferent configurations of the terministic terms are reportein the table below. The finthree columns report the number of lags incluin the test selecteusing the AIC anthe 5% an1% criticvalues thare appropriate for the sample size anincluterministic terms. interest rates contain a unit root? The first step is to selethe appropriate mol to use. For these, the statisticsignificanof the parameters for the constant antrenmust taken into account.For the trenmol, both of these have t-stats with absolute values 4, well within the boun of statisticsignificaneven the 99% level. Accorngly, the proper mol to stu is the last one. For this mol, the t-ston gamma is to the left of the 1% CV—therefore, the null hypothesis of having a unit root is rejectethe 99% confinlevel. Note thif the proper mol were either the constant or no-trenthen the null hypothesis woulnot rejecte

2022-08-20 20:19 1 · 回答