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wilsonxu · 2021年08月28日




Which of the following statements best illustrates the main limitations of the BSM option pricing model?



For up-and-out calls and puts, when the knock-out strike price is equal to the strike price and the interest rate is equal to the return on the underlying asset, the BSM model is insensitive to changes in implied volatility.


The volatility smile indicates that the implied volatility of in-the-money call and put options is relatively low.


For down-and-out calls and puts, when the knock-out strike price is smaller than the strike price and the interest rate is higher than the return on the underlying asset, the BSM model is not sensitive to changes in option maturity.


The BSM model assumes that volatility changes as the market changes


A is correct.


解析:作为结论了解即可:因为BSM假设的是constant volatility,但是实际中,在knock out价等于行权价,以及underlying收益率等于利率时,期权价格对隐含波动率会很敏感。因此BSM的假设隐含波动率变化不敏感就是模型的缺陷。

3 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2022年04月06日


A说的up-and-out call意思是,随着股票价格涨的超过某个界限的时候,期权立刻作废。图片里第一个红框之前的内容说的就是这种期权,当靠近konck-out价位的时候,期权价格对于隐含波动率的一点点变化都会很敏感(因为期权随时可能作废)。而BSM假设隐含波动率不变,对于这种期权的定价来说BSM就不能再用了。因此选A。

C说的期权是随着股票价格跌破某个点,期权立刻作废。C选项说的是当这个作废价位(knock out strike)低于普通的行权价的时候,此时期权依然是正常存续的,此时BSM依然可以用,不会出现A项的问题,所以C项不是BSM的缺陷,C项不对。


幸运是努力带来的 · 2022年04月06日


李坏_品职助教 · 2021年08月28日


A里面的knock-out option是指的随着标的资产(股票)价格上涨到一个价位的时候,期权立刻失效作废。这种期权,当靠近konck-out价位的时候,期权价格对于隐含波动率的一点点变化都会很敏感(因为期权随时可能作废)。而BSM假设隐含波动率不变,对于这种期权的定价来说就是致命伤了。


C里面的down-and-out option意思是当股票价格下跌到一定价位的时候,期权立刻作废。当这个作废价位(knock out strike)低于普通的行权价的时候,期权依然是正常存续的,此时BSM不会导致insensitive to maturity,所以C项不是BSM的缺陷,C项不对。



幸运是努力带来的 · 2022年04月06日


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NO.PZ2020033001000041 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best illustrates the main limitations of the BSM option pricing mol? A.For up-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis equto the strike prianthe interest rate is equto the return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is insensitive to changes in implievolatility. B.The volatility smile incates ththe implievolatility of in-the-money call anput options is relatively low. C.For wn-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis smaller ththe strike prianthe interest rate is higher ththe return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is not sensitive to changes in option maturity. The BSM mol assumes thvolatility changes the market changes A is correct.考点BSM模型的缺点解析作为结论了解即可因为BSM假设的是constant volatility,但是实际中,在knoout价等于行权价,以及unrlying收益率等于利率时,期权价格对隐含波动率会很敏感。因此BSM的假设隐含波动率变化不敏感就是模型的缺陷。 老师您好,可否详细介绍下up anout、wn anout期权是什么以及特点?谢谢!

2024-11-01 16:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000041 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best illustrates the main limitations of the BSM option pricing mol? A.For up-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis equto the strike prianthe interest rate is equto the return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is insensitive to changes in implievolatility. B.The volatility smile incates ththe implievolatility of in-the-money call anput options is relatively low. C.For wn-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis smaller ththe strike prianthe interest rate is higher ththe return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is not sensitive to changes in option maturity. The BSM mol assumes thvolatility changes the market changes A is correct.考点BSM模型的缺点解析作为结论了解即可因为BSM假设的是constant volatility,但是实际中,在knoout价等于行权价,以及unrlying收益率等于利率时,期权价格对隐含波动率会很敏感。因此BSM的假设隐含波动率变化不敏感就是模型的缺陷。 如题

2024-03-17 18:21 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000041 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best illustrates the main limitations of the BSM option pricing mol? A.For up-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis equto the strike prianthe interest rate is equto the return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is insensitive to changes in implievolatility. B.The volatility smile incates ththe implievolatility of in-the-money call anput options is relatively low. C.For wn-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis smaller ththe strike prianthe interest rate is higher ththe return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is not sensitive to changes in option maturity. The BSM mol assumes thvolatility changes the market changes A is correct.考点BSM模型的缺点解析作为结论了解即可因为BSM假设的是constant volatility,但是实际中,在knoout价等于行权价,以及unrlying收益率等于利率时,期权价格对隐含波动率会很敏感。因此BSM的假设隐含波动率变化不敏感就是模型的缺陷。 A,insentive to change in implievolitility, BSM是假设volatility相同吧?所以A为啥对c,一个option maturity,不懂B,为啥错是因为volitility应该不变吧

2023-07-31 20:18 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000041 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best illustrates the main limitations of the BSM option pricing mol? A.For up-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis equto the strike prianthe interest rate is equto the return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is insensitive to changes in implievolatility. B.The volatility smile incates ththe implievolatility of in-the-money call anput options is relatively low. C.For wn-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis smaller ththe strike prianthe interest rate is higher ththe return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is not sensitive to changes in option maturity. The BSM mol assumes thvolatility changes the market changes A is correct.考点BSM模型的缺点解析作为结论了解即可因为BSM假设的是constant volatility,但是实际中,在knoout价等于行权价,以及unrlying收益率等于利率时,期权价格对隐含波动率会很敏感。因此BSM的假设隐含波动率变化不敏感就是模型的缺陷。 老师对于CFor wn-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis smaller ththe strike prianthe interest rate is higher ththe return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is not sensitive to changes in option maturity.哪里可以看成knoout strikeknoout strike低于普通的行权价的时候,此时期权依然是正常存续的

2023-07-02 10:40 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000041 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best illustrates the main limitations of the BSM option pricing mol? A.For up-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis equto the strike prianthe interest rate is equto the return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is insensitive to changes in implievolatility. B.The volatility smile incates ththe implievolatility of in-the-money call anput options is relatively low. C.For wn-anout calls anputs, when the knock-out strike priis smaller ththe strike prianthe interest rate is higher ththe return on the unrlying asset, the BSM mol is not sensitive to changes in option maturity. The BSM mol assumes thvolatility changes the market changes A is correct.考点BSM模型的缺点解析作为结论了解即可因为BSM假设的是constant volatility,但是实际中,在knoout价等于行权价,以及unrlying收益率等于利率时,期权价格对隐含波动率会很敏感。因此BSM的假设隐含波动率变化不敏感就是模型的缺陷。 这道题在讲义讲到这部分的时候出出来,合适吗?我怎么在讲义里没看到这道题涉及到的知识点?

2022-09-23 23:52 1 · 回答