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米妮涵 · 2021年08月24日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



2. Using her first valuation approach and Exhibit 1, Withers’s forecast of the per share stock value of Ukon Corporation at the end of 2017 should be closest to:



EUR 48.


EUR 50.


EUR 51


C is correct based on Withers’s assumptions applied to the dividend valuation model. The stock value as of the end of 2017 equals the present value of all future dividends in 2018 through 2021 plus the present value of the terminal value at the end of 2021. The forecasted stock value equals EUR 51.254:





2.815(1.03) = 2.899



The terminal value at the end of 2021 is calculated using the dividend in the first year beyond the first stage, divided by the difference between the required rate of return and the growth rate in the second stage.

Terminal value at end of 2021 = 2.815*(1.03)/ ( 0.08−0.03 ) =57.980


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2021年08月25日



本题中,按CF键后,CF0=0,不用输入;CF1=2.431,输入完后记得按一下enter键,然后按向下的箭头,然后是显示F1,这个代表你刚刚输入的CF1这个现金流出现的次数(如果前几期现金流一样,就不用输入多次,直接此处F1=4,就代表前4期现金流都是一样的值),但本题CF1就是1期,默认就是1;再按向下箭头,出来CF2,输入2.553,再按enter,F2还是1;再按向下箭头,出来CF3,输入2.681+ 56.2779(=2.8139/0.05),再按enter,F2还是1;再按向下箭头,现金流全输入完后,按NPV键,会显示折现率 I=多少的界面,输入折现率,本题是8%,就输入8即可(折现率输入不理会百分号),最后再按CPT就会出来最终结果。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 465


NO.PZ201710200100000202 问题如下 2. Using her first valuation approaanExhibit 1, Withers’s forecast of the per share stovalue of Ukon Corporation the enof 2017 shoulclosest to: A.EUR 48. B.EUR 50. C.EUR 51 C is correbaseon Withers’s assumptions applieto the vinvaluation mol. The stovalue of the enof 2017 equals the present value of all future vin in 2018 through 2021 plus the present value of the terminvalue the enof 2021. The forecastestovalue equals EUR 51.254:57.98060.79544.68620222.815(1.03) = 2.899Total51.254The terminvalue the enof 2021 is calculateusing the vinin the first yebeyonthe first stage, vithe fferenbetween the requirerate of return anthe growth rate in the seconstage.Terminvalue enof 2021 = 2.815*(1.03)/ ( 0.08−0.03 ) =57.980 能画个图把时间点标注一下吗

2024-04-22 12:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200100000202 问题如下 2. Using her first valuation approaanExhibit 1, Withers’s forecast of the per share stovalue of Ukon Corporation the enof 2017 shoulclosest to: A.EUR 48. B.EUR 50. C.EUR 51 C is correbaseon Withers’s assumptions applieto the vinvaluation mol. The stovalue of the enof 2017 equals the present value of all future vin in 2018 through 2021 plus the present value of the terminvalue the enof 2021. The forecastestovalue equals EUR 51.254:57.98060.79544.68620222.815(1.03) = 2.899Total51.254The terminvalue the enof 2021 is calculateusing the vinin the first yebeyonthe first stage, vithe fferenbetween the requirerate of return anthe growth rate in the seconstage.Terminvalue enof 2021 = 2.815*(1.03)/ ( 0.08−0.03 ) =57.980 我计算方式是第二阶段的GGM=2.68*1.03/0.05=55.208,跟答案不一致,但没觉得哪里有错?

2024-01-23 11:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200100000202 问题如下 2. Using her first valuation approaanExhibit 1, Withers’s forecast of the per share stovalue of Ukon Corporation the enof 2017 shoulclosest to: A.EUR 48. B.EUR 50. C.EUR 51 C is correbaseon Withers’s assumptions applieto the vinvaluation mol. The stovalue of the enof 2017 equals the present value of all future vin in 2018 through 2021 plus the present value of the terminvalue the enof 2021. The forecastestovalue equals EUR 51.254:57.98060.79544.68620222.815(1.03) = 2.899Total51.254The terminvalue the enof 2021 is calculateusing the vinin the first yebeyonthe first stage, vithe fferenbetween the requirerate of return anthe growth rate in the seconstage.Terminvalue enof 2021 = 2.815*(1.03)/ ( 0.08−0.03 ) =57.980 这题的答案我有点蒙,我算是2.315/1.08+2.315/1.08^ 2+。。。+(2.315*(1.05^ 4)(1.03)/(0.08-0.03)),跟答案里的不一样,答案里每年v都在三年基础上乘,这个和我这种说法的区别点在哪里?

2022-12-22 22:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200100000202 为什么不用(1+g)/(1+r)?算

2021-11-25 23:50 1 · 回答