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seven-zhu · 2021年08月22日

No.PZ2020042003000117 (选择题)



The following statements are about the reasons why banks adapt a pooled average cost approach to LTP. Which of the following statements is wrong?



averaging funding costs across all assets is much simpler than having to charge individually


it is easier for business units to understand the LTP process and provides more incentive for them to comply.


the average cost of funds is less susceptible to intermediate changes in banks’ actual market cost of funding, thereby reducing net interest income volatility across businesses.


This approach allows higher rates to be assigned to products that use or provide liquidity for longer periods of time.


考点:对LTP in Practice: Managing On-Balance Sheet Funding Liquidity Risk的理解




a pooled average cost approach to LTP对所有期限都是用相同的利率定价,因此D选项错误。


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2021年08月22日


这里C项的意思是,当银行采取了pooled average cost 方法之后,银行融资的平均成本不太容易受到融资成本的中间变化的影响,从而减少了利息收入的波动。这句话是在原版书里的:


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NO.PZ2020042003000117问题如下 The following statements are about thereasons why banks apt a pooleaverage cost approato LTP. Whiof thefollowing statements is wrong? averaging funng costsacross all assets is musimpler thhaving to charge invially it is easier for businessunits to unrstanthe LTP process anprovis more incentive for them tocomply. the average cost of fun isless susceptible to intermeate changes in banks’ actumarket cost of funng,thererecing net interest income volatility across businesses. This approaallows higher rates to assigneto procts thuse or proviliquity for longer perio of time. 考点对LTP in Practice: Managing On-BalanceSheet Funng Liquity Risk的理解答案析述错误。 a pooleaverage cost approato LTP对所有期限都是用相同的利率定价,因此误。 能一下b吗能一下b吗

2024-02-19 22:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000117 问题如下 The following statements are about thereasons why banks apt a pooleaverage cost approato LTP. Whiof thefollowing statements is wrong? averaging funng costsacross all assets is musimpler thhaving to charge invially it is easier for businessunits to unrstanthe LTP process anprovis more incentive for them tocomply. the average cost of fun isless susceptible to intermeate changes in banks’ actumarket cost of funng,thererecing net interest income volatility across businesses. This approaallows higher rates to assigneto procts thuse or proviliquity for longer perio of time. 考点对LTP in Practice: Managing On-BalanceSheet Funng Liquity Risk的理解答案析述错误。 a pooleaverage cost approato LTP对所有期限都是用相同的利率定价,因此误。 老师在流动性转移定价过程中 pooleaverage cost approach只是说算的是平均成本,数据是基于预期的,能不能详细讲一下这个方法的特点

2023-08-03 15:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000117 问题如下 The following statements are about thereasons why banks apt a pooleaverage cost approato LTP. Whiof thefollowing statements is wrong? averaging funng costsacross all assets is musimpler thhaving to charge invially it is easier for businessunits to unrstanthe LTP process anprovis more incentive for them tocomply. the average cost of fun isless susceptible to intermeate changes in banks’ actumarket cost of funng,thererecing net interest income volatility across businesses. This approaallows higher rates to assigneto procts thuse or proviliquity for longer perio of time. 考点对LTP in Practice: Managing On-BalanceSheet Funng Liquity Risk的理解答案析述错误。 a pooleaverage cost approato LTP对所有期限都是用相同的利率定价,因此误。 请教下LTP的全称是什么?

2022-11-21 01:02 1 · 回答