开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


xing jia🎐 · 2021年08月22日


请问,最大权限降低到40%,如何推出Sell $15 million of P2这个结论?

The bank’s proprietary fixed-income portfolio is structured as a barbell portfolio: About half of the portfolio is invested in zero-coupon Treasuries with maturities in the 3- to 5-year range (Portfolio P1), and the remainder is invested in zero-coupon Treasuries with maturities in the 10- to 15-year range (Portfolio P2). Georges Montes, the portfolio manager, has discretion to allocate between 40% and 60% of the assets to each maturity “bucket.” He must remain fully invested at all times. Exhibit 1 shows details of this portfolio.

Q. If Montes is expecting a 50 bp increase in yields at all points along the yield curve, which of the following trades is he most likely to execute to minimize his risk?

A: Sell $15 million of P2 and reinvest the proceeds in three-year bonds.

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2021年08月22日


题干说明“He must remain fully invested at all times”,且此时目的是在利率预期上涨的情况下minimize risk(即minimize Duration)。

所以要尽可能多的卖掉Duration大的长期债券即P2,多余的钱只能买入Duration小的短期债券即P1(受fully invested限制)。

又因为题干中说“ allocate between 40% and 60%”,所以P2最低只能降到40%即,(50.3+58.7)×40%=43.6.


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