If the Brown and Company forecast comes true, which of the following is most likely to occur? The value of the embedded option in:
A.Bond 3 decreases.
B.Bond 4 decreases.
C.both Bond 3 and Bond 4 increases.
A is correct.
All else being equal, the value of a put option decreases as the yield curve moves from being upward sloping to flat to downward sloping (inverted). Alternatively, a call option’s value increases as the yield curve flattens and increases further if the yield curve inverts. Therefore, if the yield curve became inverted, the value of the embedded option in Bond 3 (putable) would decrease and the value of the embedded option in Bond 4 (Callable) would increase.
这个题我判断出利率是下降的,(因为是invert),然后我就想,利率下降,对call option是好的,因为可以行权,体现出它的价值了,那它的value上升。但是对于put option,我觉得没有区别,因为put option在利率下降时和不含权债券一样呀,反正put option也不会行权。为什么答案是它会下降呢?