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Aliciaguo · 2021年08月17日

active share和active risk

concentrated factor bets的active risk小于concentrated stock picks,但是做官方online题的时候有出现sector bets,这个是stock pick的意思吗?

题干是Fund A’s realized active risk of 7% is almost three times greater than that of Fund B。选项是I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets判断对错(是错的)

3 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2021年08月18日


Shaw observes that Fund A and Fund B have similar Active Share and a similar number of positions, but Fund A’s realized active risk of 7% is almost three times greater than that of Fund B.Shaw makes the following comments: I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets. Fund A likely has higher fees than Fund B Fund A should have a greater dispersion of returns about the benchmark.——就是这个是题干对吧?

 I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets. Fund A likely has higher fees than Fund B Fund A should have a greater dispersion of returns about the benchmark.——这个是三个选项?

答案选这个B. Fund A’s dispersion. ?

如果是的话,我来解答一下。 Fund A’s realized active risk of 7% is almost three times greater than that of Fund B.——这句话就是说fundA的active risk大于fundB。然后评论基本就是回答原因。 Fund A likely has higher fees ——这个一般来说active share更高的 费率更高。(一般情况)。但他们有一样的active share。

Fund A should have a greater dispersion of returns about the benchmark.——因为A有更大的active risk,所以会偏离benchmark的更多。

I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets.——这块我仔细查了一下原版书,这块的定义是行业偏离。可以简单理解为偏离benchmark。而题干说了是fund A有更大的active risk 所以应该是fundA有更大的sector bets。


伯恩_品职助教 · 2021年08月18日


Shaw observes that Fund A and Fund B have similar Active Share and a similar number of positions, but Fund A’s realized active risk of 7% is almost three times greater than that of Fund B.——这个是题干?

: I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets. Fund A likely has higher fees than Fund B Fund A should have a greater dispersion of returns about the benchmark.——这个是三个选项?

答案选这个B. Fund A’s dispersion. ?


伯恩_品职助教 · 2021年08月18日


concentrated factor bets的active risk小于concentrated stock picks,但是做官方online题的时候有出现sector bets,这个是stock pick的意思吗?——不是的,这个是就是相当于 factor bets(想了半天不知道怎么翻译合适)。

题干是Fund A’s realized active risk of 7% is almost three times greater than that of Fund B。选项是I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets判断对错(是错的)——这个之所以是错的,是因为如果Fund B有更多的sector bets说明是分散的(相关于有更多的因子,而不是集中在一个因子上),至于为什么错的,有原题吗?我看看给你解答


Aliciaguo · 2021年08月18日

(接追问)Shaw makes the following comments: I think Fund B makes a lot of sector bets. Fund A likely has higher fees than Fund B Fund A should have a greater dispersion of returns about the benchmark.

Aliciaguo · 2021年08月18日

Q. In regard to Shaw’s comments about Fund A and Fund B, the one that is most accurate concerns: A. Fund A’s fees. B. Fund A’s dispersion. C. Fund B’s sector bets.

Aliciaguo · 2021年08月18日

答案写的是Sector bets are likely to affect active risk; therefore, Fund A is more likely to be using sector bets, not Fund B

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