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8527 · 2021年08月16日

Temporal method中fixed asset 的算法

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If Acceletron’s financial statements are translated into US dollars using the temporal method, Redline’s consolidated financial statements will most likely include Acceletron’s:



USD336 million in inventory.


USD956 million in fixed assets.


USD152 million in accounts receivable.


B is correct.

Under the temporal method, inventory and fixed assets would be translated using historical rates. Accounts receivable is a monetary asset and would be translated at year-end (current) rates. Fixed assets are found as (1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = USD 956 million.

考点:temporal method

解析:temporal method下:

inventory and fixed assets :用历史汇率转换,且是取得资产时候的历史汇率。

Accounts receivable:用current rate转换。

Fixed assets=(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = USD 956 million

我看到题目中fixed asset 有折旧。 而且下面汇率表当中写道购买fixed asset时不同数目的汇率不同。 我的算法是用fixed asset的占比求了一个对应汇率的weighted average 汇率来转换折旧费的数目。然后再从转换后的fixed asset中减去。 请问老师答案中为什么没有这么算, 考试的时候如果出现类似题目,需要考虑折旧么,需要的话应该用哪个汇率折算? 谢谢解答
1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年08月18日



首先我从你的描述中很难看出来你用了方法对不对,你说的fixed asset 占比求出的一个weighted average rate是否是[(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606)]/1640? 如果是的话同学用这个汇率的话也就是这个汇率* 1640,好像是比答案复杂了。

其次,由于折旧年限这道题目里面没有提,也不要求考虑。但是实际中很可能是不一样的,所以他们的weighted average rate和固定资产可能也是不一样的。所以你用它来算最后减去可能是不对的。所以不能按照同学的方法计算。

如果要考虑折旧的情况下,折旧的费用是跟着当时的固定资产购入的汇率来折算的。比如题目中说到的1000资产可以如果条件给出用5年,一年后价值 =800*0.568,折旧费用也是按照200*0.568来算的。题目中第二个资产按照10年摊销,那么一年后的价值576*0.606,这年的折旧费用是64*0.606.


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NO.PZ201602060100001705问题如下 If Acceletron’s financistatements are translateinto US llars using the tempormetho Reine’s consolitefinancistatements will most likely inclu Acceletron’s: A.US36 million in inventory.B.US56 million in fixeassets.C.US52 million in accounts receivable. B is correct.Unr the tempormetho inventory anfixeassets woultranslateusing historicrates. Accounts receivable is a monetary asset anwoultranslateyear-en(current) rates. Fixeassets are foun(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million. 考点tempormetho析tempormethoinventory anfixeassets 用历史汇率转换,且是取得资产时候的历史汇率。Accounts receivable用current rate转换。Fixeassets=(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million 上图 考虑了折扣。本题不考虑折扣。除了排除,还有什么原因呢?若是追溯历史按时点算,那么购买资产当时都是不含有折扣的。而上图算了折扣,说明过了一年,记在账上的金额是 (FA-折扣)*购买时点汇率。而本题记在账上的金额理应也是如此啊。

2023-11-17 12:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001705问题如下 If Acceletron’s financistatements are translateinto US llars using the tempormetho Reine’s consolitefinancistatements will most likely inclu Acceletron’s: A.US36 million in inventory.B.US56 million in fixeassets.C.US52 million in accounts receivable. B is correct.Unr the tempormetho inventory anfixeassets woultranslateusing historicrates. Accounts receivable is a monetary asset anwoultranslateyear-en(current) rates. Fixeassets are foun(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million. 考点tempormetho析tempormethoinventory anfixeassets 用历史汇率转换,且是取得资产时候的历史汇率。Accounts receivable用current rate转换。Fixeassets=(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million 在tempormetho,inventory转换用历史汇率;但题目给出了tempormethoFIF O,为啥存货转换不用当前汇率?

2023-09-03 10:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001705问题如下 If Acceletron’s financistatements are translateinto US llars using the tempormetho Reine’s consolitefinancistatements will most likely inclu Acceletron’s: A.US36 million in inventory.B.US56 million in fixeassets.C.US52 million in accounts receivable. B is correct.Unr the tempormetho inventory anfixeassets woultranslateusing historicrates. Accounts receivable is a monetary asset anwoultranslateyear-en(current) rates. Fixeassets are foun(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million. 考点tempormetho析tempormethoinventory anfixeassets 用历史汇率转换,且是取得资产时候的历史汇率。Accounts receivable用current rate转换。Fixeassets=(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million 这里为什么不考虑累计折旧呢?

2023-04-02 07:02 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001705 US56 million in fixeassets. US52 million in accounts receivable. B is correct. Unr the tempormetho inventory anfixeassets woultranslateusing historicrates. Accounts receivable is a monetary asset anwoultranslateyear-en(current) rates. Fixeassets are foun(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million. 考点tempormetho解析tempormetho inventory anfixeassets 用历史汇率转换,且是取得资产时候的历史汇率。 Accounts receivable用current rate转换。 Fixeassets=(1,000 × 0.568) + (640 × 0.606) = US956 million inventory 用哪个汇率计算?

2021-10-16 16:22 1 · 回答