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xing jia🎐 · 2021年08月05日

implied volatility书后第一题


Q. Which of the following would Messer most likely conclude from the implied volatility data in Exhibit 2 if he excludes the effects of moneyness and time to expiration?

  1. Using out-of-the-money options to hedge is more expensive than establishing a long position with out-of-the-money options.
  2. Using out-of-the-money options to establish a long position is more expensive than establishing a short position using out-of-the-money options.
  3. Using out-of-the-money options to establish either long or short positions is more expensive than using at-the-money options.


A is correct. Implied volatility is higher for lower strike prices than for higher strike prices; therefore, out-of-the-money put options will generally be more expensive than out-of-the-money call options. Implied volatilities of options with lower strike prices are higher than those with higher strike prices.

B is incorrect.

C is incorrect because this is only the case if implied volatility is higher for out-of-the-money options than for at-the-money, as in a normal skew (volatility smile).

xing jia🎐 · 2021年08月05日

补充下,A选项,implied volatility is higher for lower strike prices than for higher strike prices这句话字面意思能理解,但如何推导到结论理解不能。 C选项,Volatility smile那个图能想起来,但理解不透彻,无法推导到结论。

1 个答案

WallE_品职答疑助手 · 2021年08月05日



我书上面没有这个题目,麻烦同学问问题的时候不要自己只放自己认为有用得摘抄,您提问题的时候麻烦以 资料名(原版书,基础班讲义,经典题)中那个章节(reading xxx)的第几题来表示, 然后提出你的问题。

比如您这一题,我在书上 根本搜索不到一个叫Messer的人 我也不知道你说的Exhibit 2是什么。麻烦重新提问。


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